FM Update 3.0 | 12 Dec 2023

Naa, to many Filters and microphones Till your ears can listen to the so called original Sound, which is No more original since it Hits a mic. GP 7 f.e. brought the Skill to perfection to
sound good, but it is way more of than Forza.


As for the performance, the update 3 doesnā€™t change anything at all; 60 fps in one race become 17 in the next race. These issues have persisted since day one, and it seems that no fix has ever been implemented. The game is still completely broken; it feels like itā€™s still in alpha.

Itā€™s a real shame because the game itself is a lot of fun, but in terms of returns, it borders on fraud. Selling a non-functional product is not tolerated in any field, but for some absurd reason, the video game industry has been allowed to release defective products, with cases where games have never been fixed.

I understand that nowadays itā€™s not easy to release a perfectly functioning video game. However, itā€™s certainly easy for developers to release something rough and neglected, using us users as testers. All of this is intolerable.


Specifically after 6 yearsā€¦

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Tunes load quicke.r .I loaded a design and it kicked me to the dashboard. Not seen new track yet. Menu is still very jerky when veiwing cars and lags. Cars take a while to appear aswell.
You would have thought they could have fixed all those bugs by now. Iā€™m still enjoying the actual racing and online. Mainly GT and Touring cars. Still needs lots of work.
Donā€™t keep removing content T10 as career mode is empty. Just leave the rotating races in the single player please.


Seriously though, we would actually like to know when the completely missing engine sound for the premium paid DLC Dodge Racing Challenger is going to be fixed?


A post was merged into an existing topic: FM Update 2.0 | November 14

They designed it in a way that the content the game desperately lacks is directly tied to the FOMO they want to push.

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Seen a considerable improvement in FPS. I just had to turn V-sync off. It seems to be working correctly.

Turning V-sync off also gixed the opening cinematics. No more of hanging frames and stutters that seem to crash the game until the pre-race sequence activates. Post race cenematics are also fixed with V-sync off. It is incredibly smooth and the camera feels as if someone is holding it and walking up to or away from the car. Even the award scene works without any hitches.

On track, the stutters are gone with v-sync off. Plus the games feels snappier and I notice a lot more animations around the track. Sweying tree branches, crowd cheeringā€¦ And fireworks are working now. With V-sync on, fireworks were sporadic and some times didnā€™t get shown.

Replays went from 30FPS to what ever my GPU could push out. Its a night and day difference.

If you are on PC, deactivate V-sync if you are using Freesync ir GSync. Itā€™s working now.


Why are they not fixing the horrible crap AI!?

How is one of the biggest issues in the game not getting attention from the devs?


None of the issues in the game are getting attention from the studio.
You wonā€™t be able to point to a single example of them responding to or fixing a problem raised in here by the community - they just had their existing pipeline of work to carry on with - given that the game was launched perhaps 6 months early.

They did seemingly look to address an issue that arose out of player feedback - the settings for wheel users on PC not saving between sessions. However that fix proved too difficult and they pulled it at the last moment - striking it through on the patch notes.


I donā€™t work at T10, but I would not be surprised if there are very few people doing post-launch patches and content support?

I have a feeling the majority wereā€¦

  1. Let go once their contract ended
  2. Moved on to other Xbox projects e.g. Fable

Content is comingā€¦ Namely, tracks since that will be the bulk of the ā€œnewā€ contentā€¦ And the rest are cars that are probably from past Motorsport games, and/or even Horizon? This covers the Car Pass.

So, we may be dealing with a skeleton crewā€¦ 50, or lessā€¦ Who arenā€™t all dedicated to bug fixes, and doing their specialized jobs e.g. track modeling, lighting, art design, sound, etc.

If there were hundreds of people working to make FM a better game, weā€™d see it in the updates.

But it seems there just arenā€™t. Hence, why the updates will be on a regular schedule, but the quality will be bare minimum. Most of the major (non-technical) issues like AI, and missing/requested features will probably go unaddressed for at least, a year until they can get the game in a more stable and playable state is my guess?

To be honest, Iā€™ve had very little problems with FM.

I play on PC, my system isnā€™t the latest and greatest, but I can manage 75-80fps at native 4K, everything on High, or Ultra, no Ray Tracing. The only major problem Iā€™ve experienced is the fps drop at certain places on certain tracks. But even those were alleviated somewhat by disabling SAM (Smart Access Memory), or Resizable Bar. This is probably because the Series X/S, donā€™t have those advanced PC features, so the game was never programmed to use them, and they may deter performance when activated, Iā€™m guessing?


They did add another open class in MP, so we know theyā€™re listening to some degree. Hopefully they can get the major bugs under control and start fixing the many, many gameplay issues before the core player base is gone. They havenā€™t even mentioned anything about the car leveling system thatā€™s actively driving people away from the game.


Right, so Open Class is temporary as well. I just spent 3 hours rushing through it to get the Ferrari. I only found out that you can skip practice near the end of A-Class and with only 14 mins. to spare I got it!



There is absolutely no way Gran Turismo sounds better. Not even close.

FM FXX K sounds like an FXX K.

GT7 FXX K sounds like a stock Civic or Dyson.


Engine sounds have never been good in GT. They all sound like vacuum cleaners.


I did the same thing, only to find out that the 488 Pista is better than the 488GTB in every way. Looks like FOMO worked.


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The LFA in Motorsport 2023 wishes it sounded half as good as it does in GT7. And the Gordon Murray T.50 and C8 Z06 sound much, much better in Horizon 5 than they do in Turn 10ā€™s entry.


Tunes absolutely load faster which is very nice compared to how it was but driving in free play is still buggy. If you pull up telemetry, thereā€™s a high likelihood that your lap timer will disappear. Itā€™ll just show all dashes -------


Yeah, well, how else do we win cars in this game?? Thereā€™s not much else to do if you donā€™t want to buy everything yourself. I donā€™t see how I a, just supposed to buy 500+ cars myself. Whereā€™s the fun in that?

My point wasnā€™t about getting the car, the poing I was trying to make was about the GTB being a letdown. Racing and winning prize cars is fun, but seeing that this is not as good as a model I already had was a bummerā€¦ Thats all. It wasnā€™t a slight agains you or your efforts to get the car.