FM Update 3.0 | 12 Dec 2023

Ok, I haven’t driven a lot of cars yet in FM8.

My frametime won’t stay stable - so I v-sync and cap at 60 - but its flickering between 58/57 and 60 all the time - even when in the bloody menus, regardless of the actual visual settings or Sampling I use.

Do you have any suggestions?

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Good question indeed. It’s not the first time when I feel like a loser after buying DLC, realizing that PG/T10 doesn’t really care about paid content. They release it and forget about it. DLC cars have many more issues in Forzavista than free ones, and don’t even get me started about these frustrating features in Rally Adventure expansion for FH5 that PG openly called “made by design” and refused to even consider changing…

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Series X stop still crashing to desktop before a race. After spending 20 min to practice/qualify and it crashes. You need to fix even though you guys clearly don’t care about wasting peoples time…


I havent installed this piece of crap anymore.
But: With the new Update are synchronisation of decals and liveries from Horizon 5 are working now?

Im asking for a friend :joy:

I second this. Happened to me twice last night. Also the bug were you can’t change your fuel and tyres after practice came back. Dreadful. I give up now

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I don’t know about the synchro, as i condensed a lot of FH5 vinyls into packs, i haven’t had a problem with a livery from day one.
Can confirm they haven’t fixed the preview windows of vinyls, 90% still show as empty preview for me, I’m on XSX.

Maybe a small handful of cars sound better in GT7 (and that’s being generous) but one area GT7 always loses in comparison videos with FM is sound. Even in videos that rate GT7 higher overall.

GT literally sounds like vacuum cleaners. Their Ferrari V12 even in a race car sounds like a vacuum cleaner.

The whole driving/physics/sound comparison here makes FM look much, much more visceral and real.


I’ve just had the sound suddenly stop again midway through a race. Had to restart game to get it back so this still needs fixing

My brother owns a stock R35 the GT7 R35 sounds more like my brother’s car, the FM R35 sounds like a tuner car with extra turbo sounds.

I’ve played them both side by side. Your TV sucks. Sorry.

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What did they do to the AI?
It’s like they turned off their avoidance behavior, I’ve been rear ended, collided and pushed off track non-stop since update. Also it’s like their difficulty is 1-3 notches up from your settings. At diff 5-6 which is usually what I’d set and play at, during practice I’d achieve the bonus goal time and be 2-5 faster than it, same for the top drivatars while the slowest ones would be a few secs slower than the goal time before Update 3. After update 3 like the whole field even the slowest car is a couple of secs faster than the bonus goal time at a set difficulty and the top drivatars I’d witness being 9-11 secs faster than the goal time. During the race the drivatar on pole would just drive off into the horizon never to be seen again, much much worse than before.


I wasn’t defening or making excuses for people doing a glitch/exploit. My comment was more a dig at T10 how they can release a single hot fix, but make the players wait for monthly patches to fix game breaking bugs.
My opinion having all the cars and a ridiculous amount credits isn’t an advantage. You still have to level up the cars, no credits required.


PC Version, happy the track/graphics don´t disappear every two races anymore.
I can see road!

I think you miss read my comment as well. Mine too was a dig at T10, not at your comment. For basically the same reason. I agree totally with your closing remark.

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They seem to have fixed the performance issues for me on PC. Now getting over 100fps w/ DLAA and the track doesn’t stop rendering. That being said, multiplayer still doesn’t work and I get disconnects. If I want to play multiplayer I have to play on xsx.

I think this game should have been delayed until spring of next year tbh. Why is it that even on a maxed out 4090 rig the graphics are worse than FM7? How is it even possible that all the textures in FM7 are vastly higher res then FM8? This is a game they said was built from the ground up and took 6 years to make yet it looks less impressive then FM7.

I know FH5 is developed by Playground games but they use forza tech and it’s the best-looking racer ever made. I was expecting FM8 which is a flagship Xbox title to at least match it if not exceed it.


Even FM7 looks better at this point.

The emphasis on Ray Tracing, Global Illumination, Ray Traced Ambient Occlusion, etc. has actually made the game look dull and flat in comparison and this is with those effects toggled on.

Now, imagine if FM was in fact a copy & paste job like many people thought it was going to be?

The content of FM7 + The improved physic + Improved lighting effects on top of an already good looking game. This is the FM we all hoped was releasing. That would be worth the asking price even if it’s a “lazy rehash” in certain ways.


Problem is the GTR in stock form can sound vacuum cleaner ish so maybe that favors GT7.

But their FXX K comparison speaks volumes. No way should an FXX sound that muffled and generic.

Ray tracing does not apply to the cars themselves during racing, correct? I believe I read that somewhere. More so it applies to ambiance?

What sample rate are you using? I had crackling until I switched to 24bit/48000Hz.Maybe it will fix your issue too…worth a try.