Finished 4 tasks of forzathon last night. Got all the achievement notifications. But the forzathon page has no highlight to indicate that I have done the tasks. There are no cars awarded. No ford falcon fg x or warthog or terradyne Gurkha lapv. No wheelspins was added. I was sure that I had done all of lastest forzathon tasks. Judged by each of achievement notification. I rebooted Xbox, disconnected and reconnected the machine last night. Also, I redid all of tasks again, there was no achievement notification again. Today I restarted everything again. Checked and waited, there is still nothing showing up in the garage. Well, I have the warthog and terradyne before this forzathon already. But I would like to be rewarded the#17 Xbox racing ford falcon fg x which I don’t own yet. What should I do now? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.
Could it be related to Xbox settings preventing you from downloading content (child or privacy)? Have you successfully checked off previous Forzathon events and received their awards?
I’m in the same situation
Having the same exact issue, not receiving any of the cars.
Thank you for your reply. I checked again this morning, still nothing showing up. Restarted and disconnected and everything. I also checked the Xbox settings, nothing changed since last forzathon I did. I have no problem of getting rewards from previous forzathon as far as I know. I did notice sometimes when a task was done, the forzathon page won’t highlight it previously. But I think I got the reward that time. When I checked achievements on Xbox , it said ’ we are unable to get achievements for this game at the moment. Please try again later.’ On the Xbox notification page, there are still two achievements (yesterday showing 3) notifications. Both from latest forzathon. It said I completed forzathon and win warthog and #17 ford falcon fg x. Well, I might have to accept that I had done the forzathon and no rewards given. I can buy the ford at AH. Thanks again for your attention.
Shortly after my previous post, I bought the ford at AH for 76k. For me this matter was closed. When I played again this afternoon, some magic happened. I got notifications said I have been awarded 3 cars and wheelspins. I checked my garage, yes, extra new cars were there. Super happy. I enjoyed FH3 very very much. Thanks again for this awesome game.