Didn't get forzathon award cars

Just noticed that haven’t received any forzathon award cars in 2017. I had finished events and got achievement notification, but after that didn’t received cars. I can’t see them in garage or gift box.
First is Lykan Hypersport, secend is the warthdog and the last is Mustang 302 HE.
Did anyone have this trouble and solved? Plz help me and I will be apperciated, thx.

same thing here i didn’t receive any awards this year but i got the achievements

Are you guys on PC?

Are you having regular XBOXLive connection issues?

The good news, once it gets sorted, having the achievement is enough to grant you the reward, a la the Subaru event last month.

I have the same issue, I played Forzathon in order to win the Lola. I haven’t received it, nor have I unlocked the achievement…
Today I had no access to AH either, I don’t know if it’s related…

I’ve had the exact same issue during the last few forzathons.

I’m on Xbox. This is how I’ve solved it.

When I complete the challenge - I get the achievement, but on the forzathon list, it still shows as incomplete. I just go to the dashboard and quit the game, then restart it. When I get loaded back in, all the reward notifications pop up and I get everything.

I’ve always done this while the forzathon was still running. I don’t know that if the forzathon is over and you try if you’ll get anything. Maybe not.

For future forzathons (until this is fixed (it didn’t do this until fairly recently)), I would just quit the game and start it back up before the end of forzathon to get your stuff.

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If on xbox do cold reboot before each event starts.

If mid event you get a cheevo but no reward do cold reboot.

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