FH5 Post Launch Car List

For those who want to know the current post-launch list in FH5, here’s a list that’ll help you out.

I update this every Series, so this is still going to be active.

Although, I should point out, this is not mobile friendly.

Please point out any errors in a constructive manner.


Updated to currently reflect the new Horizon Retrowave Content update :slight_smile:

This is GREAT work. Thank you. Currently have all 850 cars, and it has been a grind in terms of paying attention to the game and paying extra money out of pocket. The fact that I have a ~$100 “in real money” 1932 Ford Deluxe Coupe has made me question my priorities and sanity…

You mean… 845? As of this writing, the update’s not out yet.

I know this list is only counting cars added via the Festival Playlist, but I still find it ludicrous that over half the cars added have been from prior Horizon games, many of which were likely not caught up in licensing problems. Plus, given the amount of road cars in Motorsport that, for whatever reason, haven’t migrated to Horizon, thirteen also seems extremely low.

True, it would’ve meant more money spent of licensing, but had I been a developer, I think I would’ve kept the car list from Horizon 4 even more intact than it already was during Horizon 5’s launch, and had road cars from the Motorsport games and cars that appeared prior to Horizon 4 be the “returning cars.”

Frankly, given Horizon is backed by Microsoft, and Horizon is probably the only flagship exclusive title with any positive reputation left, any sympathy I have for Microsoft’s “budget” is minimal. They could spend a lot more if they wanted, and they still would make a profit regardless.

13 as in new-to-Horizon stuff?

(also, this list includes stuff that wasn’t included in the Playlist in separate sheets)