FF in long fast corners on TX wheel

This happened to me when I was running small wheel rims on the car. I switched to the large rims and the problem went away. The low profile tire adds stability to the car at high speeds.

I would lean towards this. I’ve had the TX 458 wheel, Xbox One, and FM5 for about a month now and the “wobble” as I call it was one of the first things I noticed. Going down the front stretch at Long Beach, foot to the floor and the car just starts this wobbling. FF kicking in, then nothing, in, then nothing. Very frustrating. What are your wheel settings in the game and what sensitivity are you running?

Sorry, double posted.

This makes me feel better. I do not want this to be persistent in future games.

This is where I notice it a lot as well.

this is exactly what is happening to me and why i made my post. has anyone come up with a solution? lowering ffb helps a bit but honestly the only time it seems to work properly is that short time period between the ffb reducing due to overheating and the point where it gets too hot and cuts completely… i’m glad to hear that it doesn’t seem to happen in any other racing game but i would really like to not have my wheel collecting dust until pcars comes out and possibly even longer if pcars happens to be a flop

Yes it seems to be discontinuos, not smooth during the corner, it comes and goes.

Too much FF Strength, I set it to 35 and FF Effects to 100 and it is a little better.

But the problem is the game not the wheel because with F1 2014 on PC and Forza Horizon 2 I don’t have this problem.

Further I tried a 500 Abarth on Praga and the wheel goes right and left ( pendulum effect) and on corners I lose the back even if the car is FWD. Unplayable.