Festival Playlist events and rewards Jan. 5-12 (Summer S16)

We’re getting Fords for next series.


Anyone had very quick AI in that A800 dirt championship?
I was doing CO-OP and had one very fast AI at El Pipila. I was doing around 1:32/lap, which would be good for top100-150 and not only I couldn’t keep up, but 1st AI was running away. Probably was 2-3sec faster than me, so it was doing around WR times.

@ziperrPL Same here. Walked away. Two actually, but I caught one. Only second, won the other 2 races. Same track. I was in free roam solo.

BTW for the lanterns, they look like floating paper garbage bags.
Floating ring of 10 or so sitting at bottom of “D” of Dunas Blancas.
Run up dune at moderate speed, and land thru them. Tons of them, doesn’t need to be dark.
Solo mode, rewind. Done.

You can’t. They decided to not do New Year in Guanajuato this year, instead the lanterns spawn in Dunas Blancas. So, you can get the other accolade (for breaking them in some Toyotas… which you could anyway using Eventlab) but not this one sadly.

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What a Playlist, beautiful selection of races.

This is my second favorite Playlist after Extreme E.

A full 6 hours of fun.

@JamesMiata nice eventlab

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Used the Crown Vic here, with someone’s downloaded tune. Both trial attempts I was the only non-Mustang, and one of the only two 600 cars. Easily walked to the front of the pack for a good old fashioned slaughter. First round halfway through the 2nd race --black screen-- “Disconnected, press X to bring up a useless screen to make you think we give a ##” Walked away for a couple hours. 2nd attempt, same story, 2 600 cars, disconnected halfway through first race. (This time had my network monitor on a second screen - my connection never flinched. I’ll try it again in a couple days…little too much road-rage right now LOL


I tuned and used the SVO 86 successfully

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Yes, i had this too. One AI blew past me on lap 2 in race 1 and finished about 1/4 of a lap ahead and i’m no slouch!

Wow….ghost town online for me when in the trial and open. Noticed a %66 drop off on monthly rivals compared to last month….eeesh….not good. Current playlist interest speaks for itself but still need tune likes.

Anyways, here’s the first set of tunes for the playlist;

Forzathon ‘21 bronco tunes;
B class build/tune for the dirt race;
Share code: 599 783 514. Uses the LS3 V8

S1 class/tune for an easy trailblazer. Recommend Malpais trailblazer on the west side of the highway. Pretty short;
Share code: 143 823 699

My 1956 Ford F-100 will eat the seasonal PR stunts for breakfast;

Riviera Maya speed zone tune;
Share code: 134 818 005

Avenida speed trap tune;
Share code: 554 792 185. Requires throttle control but you can take it either direction (north/south).

Ford retro muscle “blast from the past” trial tunes;

1986 mustang SVO;
Share code: 147 309 663. Easiest to handle.

2010 crown Vic;
Share code: 768 941 780. Highest speed. LS3 V8. Takes a lot of throttle control but fantastic top speed.

1993 SVT cobra R;
Share code: 714 165 686

“Fording A Path” seasonal championship tunes;

1970 GT70;
Share code: 145 896 606. Great grippy little thing.

1967 escort MK1;
Share code: 115 279 004. Really pleased with this build. Good car.

1977 #5 Escort RS1800;
Share code: 610 804 301. Stuffed the 3.2 into this car. Good for speed.

More to come. Always appreciate the likes. Even if you don’t use my tune after downloading, you can still drop me a like by going into “my tuning set-ups” and then delete it after, if you want. Thanks.


Had the same in the Baja/Bronco race.
Also in the trial,i was only one in tuned Mustang,rest of team were in stock Mustang + 1 stock svo,Drivatars all stock Mustang. Quickly realised that 2-3 of the drivatars would keep pace with my massively superior car,giving my team mates no chance to keep up,so i had to spend 3 races holding up drivatars for our team to win (we lost 2nd race cos i couldn’t catch lead drivatar after i made one small mistake on lap 1 ! )

That’s just terrible practice. Even though we all pay to buy the same game, why are early players treated like princes and get all the goodies (truckloads of credits/wheelspins, etc) and later buyers are disregarded like that? Why does a paying customer get punished with a non-completable game when they do not pre-order it? If the accolade is Series exclusive, why is it still there when the Series is not available for the rest of us? Just a rant, not expecting for an answer. In general I’m very disappointed with FH5 and find myself playing FH4 more than 5 even though I’m in my third year playing FH4 and only 7 months in for FH5. Seeing this downward spiral, I won’t buy the next FH.


I had one AI in the B700 Retro Rallye co-op championship that went bonkers at River Scramble.
Used a '77 Escort Rallye on Offroads and RWD - so no chance at making the car any faster (AWD swap eats a lot of PI).
The AI in the same car was gapping me through lap 1 and I only caught it towards the end of lap 3. We both dnf’d the rest of the field.
The whole AI thing is currently completely broken - especially in co-op races with swerving over the entire road, getting lapped on lap 2 or running 0,1%er times.


Im pretty sure newyears comes later in this series or next series, last year it was the same way. New year in the real world is not the same as the new year in horizon 5. I would guess its the chinese new year in Horzion 5 for some reason and that date is jan 22. Chistmas series was the exact same as last year so new year will be she same.


No AI issues for me and my team. On the El Pipila all the AI were caught halfway through the first lap and were DNF’d. Using a focus rs with @ksmith5666 tune.

The River scramble one was a bit different because I was miles ahead and noticed we were losing so I tried to slow the AI. This failed on two counts because I ended finishing behind it and the person I was trying to slow it down for was further back. We lost the race but nobody told the game and we were awarded the win

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I know why now, I sold the SVO a few months ago, which is why it wasn’t coming up lol. I got it mixed up with the 93 variant which I already had :blush:

I wish the SVT Cobra R (2000) could be downgraded to C class for the trial, but couldn’t find any tunes available unfortunately.


You can get the SVO back from the Autoshow for 15k. That and the Cobra 93 do look very similar though

You find one then switch to Solo and rewind 50 times. It is very easy.

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Or the place where you can Get like 7-10 in one jump :blush:

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I do that when it’s a far smaller number and the stuff is hard to find. In this case rewinding would have been even more annoying.

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