Ferrari 250LM...

…does anyone here already own this car? I’m a big fan of the Ferrari 250 serie, but they are ofcourse expensive. Does the 250LM sound good? Same with the 250 GTO…does it sound good? I would like to know before I spent 10,000,000 credits on these cars.

I can’t find a video of them yet on Youtube.

I wish. The prices are now ridicously high in FH3. I cannot even break $2M still.

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They are not…in FM4 the GTO cost 20mil, and there were a lot less fredits to get. So speaking of FH3 economics I’d price that at 40mil in comparison.

These cars are meant to be achievements that you can’t have from the get go. You have to work towards them.


In every Forza game, atleast in the Horizon games, are the Ferrari 250 cars around 10M.

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Is it available to rent for any races?

I have the 250 Testa Rossa. It sounds good, but the low tones seem pretty muted compared to how the real car sounds in videos.

Edit - Just to add, the car drives really well, it was definitely worth it.

I have the 250Gto. Sounds amazing interior is amazing. But was it worth 10mil? Idk it was to me but some only see those cars as “bragging rights”

Does the 250 GTO sounds like the one in Forza Horizon 2?

Yea, but better in my opinion. It’s more refined

A lot of old sports cars, especially Ferrari’s, spiked in price in Forza Horizon 3. The cars are expensive to make up for the fact that there are pretty much none of them you can just go out and buy IRL. Super rare cars. In previous games the cars might as well have been worth a dime a dozen.

It’s inconvenient for us collectors (If I could drive all of them you bet your sweet Xbox Live that I would) but at least there is more ‘responsibility’ to owning them and you really stand out when you take them online.

The 250LM sounds great, at least from inside my own car it does. Can’t wait to buy one.

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If you want to try them out before you buy them there is a way. If you want I’ll make a bucket list of the cars to drive them from the outback to Surfer’s Paradise, not as a challenging time but just so you can try them out. I can do this for a few of the expensive cars. Let me know if that sounds interesting and add me to your friends list (I’ll do the same) so I can send you the bucket list “challenge”.

I already have every car in-game that costs 2 million credits or more so I’ve got the full 250 series.

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Yes please do, my name is like here on the forum, Sgt Pow3rs