Just bought all cars in horizon 2

As the topic said… i just bought the last car that i did not own previously. From now on cash is just gonna pile up. Ive even bought 2 ferrari 250 gto, 2 veneno i got 3 with the gifted one, 2 alfa stradale 33 and some other duplicates that i run in diffrent classes. Lets hope a dlc will come out soon so i can spend money



Amazing! thats awesome must have took days of hard work and dedication i hope to be in that boat soon, what level are you at the moment? i just hit level 251 and im about half way of getting all the cars

Yhh it took many many many hours… 1600+ races …Atm i am lvl 465…I hope ima atleast top 5 in the world…

Unsure but think you did something wrong here in terms of speed vs. levelling? Might be my math though but I am level 370, only have 1100 races under my belt and spent just over 100 hours on the game.

What’s the current amount of Driver XP you need for another level? 95K ?

Damn your a legend!

Wouldent say legend… ide say a man with alot of free time


Dlc cars are usually free so you Wont have to pay for them. Great job

Hahaha damn…then ime gonna have to tune every car i own, or the money will never drain,

Why don’t you buy every part for every car… That will drain some money!!

Well done on the Driver Level & Garage…

Paints and Tunes don’t cost money too buy. The tunes cost money if you don’t have the part purchased but other than that, it’s all free.

Well ime a class racer … so i wouldent fully upgrade every car …i need some D,C,B,A cars to that can win a race

Damn got them all already! I went though and bought about 35 extra cars the other day to get the achievement for having 175 I think I got around 190 now at driver level 206, went and bought the veneno the other day only to be gifted one 5hours later, but that’s normally how my luck goes. Good job though on the car collection.

Level 465 is nuts. How many cars are there to buy?

I just got the “own 175 cars” achievement last night.

i have 233 but thats with soome duplicats…

I have taken 240 pic’s of unique cars in H2 so far, a friend has taken 245

I have 245 but only 240 / 240 shows for some strange reason

Well…there isent any more cars to buy…i have season pass and all the extra you can get , so i cant get higher then 233 atm without a new dlc. Maby you guys have taken pictures of the cars that are in the game but not playable

So I still need to buy 53 cars. Geez. Guess I better get playing. That week I didn’t play actually made the game fun for me again.

above 400 you need loads