Hi Cescoss.
Well, “best” is what you can afford. There are several models from high end and very pricey (but worth the money) to good quality with much bang for the buck.
Ok, let me break it down for you:
If you play on Xbox, you can use each fanatec wheel base available, as long as you attach a wheel(-rim) that is xbox compatible, since the xbox ID-chips are installed in fanatecs wheel attachments. Which means you can also use a wheel base that is playstation branded, as long as you get a xbox wheel.
If you play Xbox / PC only (and not playstation at all) then the best, but also most expensive wheel base is the DD2. That is a powerful, very awesome direct drive wheel with up to 25 newtonmeter force feedback. This is total overkill, though, if you don’t play professional e-sports. It will set you back by 1500 Euro / Dollars for the wheel base alone. Plus a xbox compatible wheel, plus a set of pedals (cheapest are 80 bucks and they are ok, but I’d rather take the much better CSL Pedals for 360 bucks)
Even the smaller version of that particular wheel (called DD1) is awesome but with its 20 newtonmeter force it is also made for people that are really heavy into racing games. I use the DD1 myself. Actually I use the DD1 variant called “podium racing wheel F1”, because I also play on Playstation. When I combine that wheel base with an xbox compatible wheel, I can use it on both systems. its quite expensive through. (1800 bucks blundled with a formula1 wheel rim).
The more budget friendly wheel base would be the Gran Turismo DD Pro (PlayStation / PC compatible out off the box, but can be used with Xbox with the right wheel) and its counterpart, the CSL DD, which is for Xbox and PC only. Depending on the set you choose, you can enter that at 350 bucks (plus Pedals and wheel) to up to 700 Bucks (bundled with pedals and wheel)
Both start with 5 newtonmeter force but can be enhanced with a better power supply, so that they have 8 Newtonmeter force feedback. While 5 NM is ok, 8 Newtonmeters are really good for beginners and advanced players, since that is the range where you really start feeling how your car reacts on track… . It really is much bang for the buck.