Expansion 2: Rally Adventure reveal Feb. 23

The launch of FH5 ensured I’ll never preorder a game again, does anyone remember the game was barely playable for the “early access” period that people bought the preorder for, tons of issues and bugs.

I feel like FH5 life is being artificially stretched because of how long forza motorsport is taking, which ultimately is making people lose interest in horizon, I have only played 1 week out of the past several series now and do the bare minimum to maybe get a new car then don’t play again for a month > better updates/bug fixes/not stringing this game out with 4 recycled cars a month, would have me coming back much more.

Sadly after 1 year 4 months waiting for the second expansion I doubt it can live up to any hype and my expectations are super low for it given how FH5 has been supported.


lego? A TERRIBLE idea. I hope not.


I read it’s going to be Lego with Ken and Barbie, their clothes and cars. I can’t wait!!!.. to call the suicide prevention line.


You are correct and the new Nissan Z was a hint they dropped for it…if you remember the 90’s Nissan commercial with Ken and Barbie.




I feel the Forza brand itself is at a boiling point right now. If they make the second expansion yet Another marketing deal - sell out, I feel quite a substantial amount of people, including myself, are going to write this game off, completely. And to be honest, they deserves it, for the sheer lack of respect they’re showing the long-time fans of this series.

Same goes for Motorsport too. I can’t speak for others, but from everything that I’ve saw of that game so far is giving me absolutely no reason to look forward to it at all. It just looks like the same old recycled and out-dated content imported to a new physics and lighting engine. Not to mention the inevitable metric tonne of content from previous games that is going to be missing from the new game. And I can’t wait to hear the excuses for it! 'Oh we couldn’t put ‘X’ into the new game because ‘new engine’… But that ‘new engine’ didn’t stop you from using the same outdated Slivia model for 13th year in a row, or the same horrific looking aero that was universally hated from the previous games.

But shiny car though!!! And look at that tree that is 1km away from the track! Look at the detail on its bark! OooOoOoOoO!!! … How out of touch can you get.


Hope it isn’t Lego. If FH5 wasn’t dead, that will certainly kill it.


For some, sure. I get it, they don’t like “toys” in their racing “sim” and that’s fine.

I think Lego could be good. Just like Hot Wheels could have been good. There was potential there for interest, re-igniting a flagging play engagement, many interesting additions… and then they went and threw it all under the bus with more short time-gated exclusives forcing mad chore play to finish everything in that 1st season for FOMO. What were they thinking ? And then it was back to the usual FOMO weekly chore list grind, boring repetition, and daily bug hunts. Joy.

My only real fear of the expansion being Lego is that it will follow the same stupid formula. And that’s likely the case no matter what the expansion is. THAT is what’s killing the game imo. So bring it on. I’m ready to be disappointed again. Whatever it is. Just drop it and get it over with already. It probably won’t even matter if it’s still unfinished and buggy as all get out. Who would notice ?


Or if you like lego then buy a lego game or if you like hotwheels then buy the hotwheels game :blush: and to be fair if you like racing games, don’t buy horizon 5. The only reason they would ever do what the fans wanted where if we all quit, and if it is lego again then i bet alot of people will quit, i know i am. Heck i will go 1 step further, i will remove my game pass subscription and i wont even try the new forza motorsport. They have screwed us enough now


Exactly. Hot Wheels is at least tolerable as you can still utilize all of the same cars (within a certain performance envelope obviously) but Legos is completely at the opposite end of the spectrum from the core game & what it’s intended to be.


I think the fact that players are discussing lego as a possibility goes to show how desperate the situation has become


Your protest won’t matter to them one little bit. You’re still a stat that downloaded and played already, like all those at the bottom end of the leaderboards that maybe tried it once. They can still boast huge numbers and to the investors that’s all that matters. You can see that we don’t matter.

I won’t play Lego either. I only went there once in FH4 and only to photo the last “horizon promo” car.
Lego in Forza sucks a big one and I never want to see it again, just like Hotwheels, but I’ll not ditch the whole thing over it despite pretty much all of it but the cars themselves sucking.



Once you got past the whole Lego based idea it was just another map that just felt like racing and forgot about the Lego aspect pretty quickly and at least took a longer time to do than the current FH5 HW fiasco that most people finished in a matter of hours - not what an expansion should be. Only downside really was constantly seeing the Lego cars on the Main map. An expansion should engage players for a decent amount of of time to be worth the extra dollar.


There’s a map out there now, don’t know how legit it is.

Which one ? Avalanche city ?

Well the last one was high in the clouds, so maybe an underwater map though I guess they’d have to bring back the JB Esprite with the submarine kit.

I think that one is someone’s concept. This one is apparently found in the gamefiles, but could be anything.

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Honestly, I have no reason to be remotely excited for Expansion 2. Playground have shown us that they don’t care about this game. They aren’t going to support it in any meaningful way. The best thing we get is a decent car every few updates.

This game is just such a disaster that it’s beyond fixing. Sure, a decent expansion might make Horizon 5 exciting for a week or two, but at its core, this game is screwed. This is a RACING GAME that has a disgraceful SOLO RACING experience. The fact that PLAYERS are creating better things with the EventLab than PGG can create in every update so far is just depressing.

I’m not even that excited about FM8 either. Pretty graphics don’t mean a thing nowadays. I mean, look at FH5. Sure, it’s pretty as hell, but the game is screwed. We’re still gonna have the same ugly aero from 2013, and likely the same 15 year old broken car models.

I’m still waiting for this franchise to do something and make me go “WOW”. The Forza franchise has so much potential, but Playground aren’t doing anything with it.