Forza 4 bursts in every way … until the cockpit camera!
I’m playing with a Lamborghini, and Raparo I can not see where I’m walking, I found it strange because it had 4, it was visible! The pilot is a dwarf, can only! Another negative point for forza 5.
Even the picture in the garage so the car is always in the same position, and the wheel well … that junk!
Harsh? I clearly stated what it looks like, its not harsh, its the truth, it could of been far worse I assure you, plus if you cant take a bit of criticism you shouldn’t be on xbox live, people call people rubbish and give each other all kinds of slanderous comments on live, far worse than that. You get called a noob if someone beats you and you also get called a noob if you beat someone else, which makes no sense, so if you think that’s harsh you might as well convert to playstation and play some GT 5
Alot of cars in Forza 5 it’s incredibly difficult to see out. Also because you see so much wheel it means the cockpit view is useless to wheel users which is the view hardcore wheel users want to use
Yes but commenting on another user is against the terms of use here. Clearly english is not his first language, so while it’s fine to comment that you didn’t understand, a little more tact would be in order.
I think he is saying that it is hard to see out of the car because you see so much of the wheel dash etc… while this may be true, have u ever sat in the cockpit of a racecar? The seats are virtuall sitting on the ground, and you are peering just over the steering wheel…
His point is he sees the road in cockpit view better in FM4 than in FM5. It feels strange for him to not see where he’s going on the road. He didn’t have issue in FM4. Then he suggests the driver must be dwarf/midget. He ends by judging it’s a negative point in FM5.
Sorry for my poor English and half to write, because I’m from Brazil!
More Image is clear and sharp. The steering wheel is above the panel and also where is the butterfly gearshift.
I’m not a fanboy hater much less advocate of T10, the more you cut a lot of cars, was to do a perfect job, no more by the way …
And let it be said in passing that nothing was done to fix bugs, defects, glitches, etc. …
Yeah bro, Forza 5 is what it is. If you’re unhappy about the bugs and lack of view/vision from cockpit view, then just change to bumper or hood cam, which I personally think is much better - the wheel in the cockpit isn’t animated correctly anyway.
As for the bugs, just live with them or wait for FM6. Forza is WAYYY better than GT6 and on consoles today, it is the BEST sim you can play.
At least one person understood me, because I was trying to show how the T10 is sanding for users of the forum, because no correction was made …
And wait a year to perhaps have a more complete version was equal Forza 4.