Enough of PR stunts!

Cannot stand those seasons with only PR stunts anymore! This game is buggy and now boring !!!

We want races !!

We want random Coop Races working properly !!!


Yep, not even trying with this one

You can’t expect them to bother putting actual racing into a racing game, come on now. The season change garbage feels like paperwork lately.

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Actually I’m fine with them mixing it up with more racing some months and more PR stunts other months.

I just want them to make the PR stunt targets a bit more challenging. Most weeks I knock them out on the first attempt. In Horizon 4 they often took a few goes especially in Winter.

Those that want more racing should do the Trial a few times but in different cars. I’ve done this week’s trial about 6 times now.

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This series is focused on PR stunts. Lucky for you, this is the last season in this series. Next series is focused on Event Lab.


Honestly, I prefer the stunts, and after last season with all races and no stunts, this has been an enjoyable month for me. 3 straight weeks of 100% and very close on week 4.

I know some of you are not happy, but not all of us prefer races, either.


And on that bombshell, I’m finished…

Wait ? You thought this was a racing game ? I think I see the problem… lol.

…oh, hey there br0ken_t0aster :slight_smile:

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Guess I’ll be getting more painting and designs done :+1:t2:

another boring championship …
This game is becoming a real piece of sh** .

FH4 was far better

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Why not both? oh right. Because we cant have good things or the possibility to just play what we like. I forgot we are talking about forza horizon.

I like that they change it.
Just races wold be boring after a while.

I do like PR stunts, but Racing is fun to. But to only have one wold not be fun.

If they wold have 100% racing people will complain that its the same eery week.
And that they need to switch it up.

Now they are doing just that, switching it up, and have an over all theme on the series.
That is a good thing in my opinion.

If they wold have a mix of it all each season, it wold be boring after a while.

So its a “Damed if you, Damed if you dont” situation for Playground Games.


We had a race…

…it was on a matchbox car track, but it was a race!


What? that will achieve precisely the opposite, because finally players will be able to play WHAT THEY LIKE and most important, to have a choice (assuming the devs dont make the stupidity of adding more events but reducing the point income…). lol.

its the final week of them and you start complaining now !


Why do you speak for everyone ? xD