Driver Ratings System

Forza could have a Pro Series Sub category in public lobbies for more serious Racers.

-Calculate how much damage you’ve initiated

-Calculate how many times a person disobeyed track limits

-Calculate fastest laps in order

-Calculate finishing position

-Calculate starting position

-Calculate what time a person did at the track just raced at in the world. Forza would need a specific BOP system for every car which I know is a lot of work. How well you raced and how fast a person was over an average of five races would determine your starting rank and would recalculate over the next five races. Keep the names forza already has or change to. Bronze, silver, gold, diamond, platinum. I have more to explain later.

When race regulations are combined with League Racing, you’ll get pretty much the same result.

Leagues already do points 4 & 5, and when race regulations are integrated they should take care of points 1,2 & 3;

  1. Damage - Penalties will slow you down, affecting your finish position, therefore rank decreases as per point 4.
  2. Track limits - As above.
  3. Fastest laps - Not sure why you’d want them in order, Leagues currently records your best clean lap, and this determines your starting position for next race as per point 5…

The final point i think will be a bit of a stretch to implement and i personally would prefer Turn10 spent time on other issues.

It would be good to see league racing expanded upon, particularly to include an endurance hopper, maybe more tiers. My 2 cents…