Hope everyone that has early access is enjoying this FM6 as much as me, it’s certainly a return to form for Turn 10 and will probably end in a divorce for me with the amount I will be playing it!
There are hundreds of massive plus points but I just wanted to mention two niggles (OK, one is actually more than a niggle) to see if others are getting the same and to see if it’s a known problem or not. If not then I’d like to highlight it to Turn 10 to get resolved.
Firstly, if you set up a private lobby in multiplayer and select 23 Drivatar opponents, in the lobby with you will be 5 opponents. Not 23, just 5. When a friend of mine was added to the game, it added another 5 drivatars, so now a total of 10. What the heck? If I select 23, I want 23. If the servers can handle 24 real players, it should be able to cope with the same in drivatars. Not 5 per human driver. Anyone know anything about this/reported it?
Secondly, and this is just a minor niggle, but in FM4, we could change the opponents cars. Why can we not do this in FM6? Surely the drivatar technology can cope with a drivatar in a different car of our choice?
That’s probably to avoid boosting multiplayer achievements by playing alone The reason behind it might be that if you want to drive against 23 IA, there’s free race for that.
So to boost the achievement to win from last, you need 4 humans in the room.
Agree with amusedtodeath there. A friend and I on Forza 4 used to run our own game where we raced handicapped against AI in various guises. In it’s current format, we are unable to do that.
Agreed Hylander. I’ve posted about the same issue. Effectively this has gone backwards since FM4. In that, you could have a maximum of 13 AI, so now it’s 5??
I’m hoping this will get read by those that have influence and is remedied!
Here here, Have posted the same in several places. Am hoping if enough people bring this to their attention, it will get remedied. Post here if you want to see more than 5 AI per human player in online multiplayer.
It really doesn’t make mathematical sense. You can select to allow 23 drivitars, but it is an impossibility since just to get 20 you’d need 4 humans, which then puts you at the 24 max drivers.
I don’t understand why they haven’t done this for offline single player, you would think it would be an easy change to make and would give people more choice