Sure! Here’s a beginner tune I made for those that need help learning to drift:
The settings on this are tamer then what I typically use, but that’s cause it to help those who are struggling with controlling the drift car.
After you get used to the way this feels then you can start to adjust the settings. I set my cars up like real world drift where possible. Here are some basic settings that I use and that work for me, others that have tried my tunes find them easy to drift.
Tire Pressure
A lot people use weird settings here. For fronts anywhere from 28.0 PSI to 34.0 PSI is plenty and for the rear typically a lot lower, 20.0 PSI to 24.0 PSI.
I keep gearing short, I prefer less gear changes so I can focus on controlling the car with less effort. I typically set my gear so that I run the car in 4th gear most of the time with it topping out at about 110mph to 120mph (In 4th gear)
Typically you will want anywhere from -3.0 to -4.0 camber in the front and between -1.0 and 0.0 in the rear. Rear tires are almost vertical.
For toe you want Toe Out at the front and Toe In, in the rear. Adjust anywhere from 0.0 to -0.8 or 0.0 to +0.8 where applicable.
Caster on some real world drift cars run caster as high at 9 degrees but anywhere from 5.0 to 7.0 can do.
Anti- Roll Bars
I set Anti-roll bars between 20 and 35 with more bias to be stiffer in the front. Too much body roll and the back end drags around too much
I usually soften the springs by about 100lbs to 200lbs from their stock settings depending on the car weight. When you watch pro drift cars take off you can usually see the gear changes in the slight body roll from front to back as they smash through the gears before hitting their first corner. Drift cars also squat a lot.
I also adjust the ratio of front to rear to match the weight distribution of the car e.e 51% to the front (After car build as weight balance differs from stock obviously).
Ride Height
Drift cars are typically raked towards the front being higher. I use a difference of about 1.o inch, front higher then the back.
Adjust to your liking, front stiffer then the rear for both Rebound and Bump. I set Bump low between 2.0 and 4.0 depending on the car weight.
A lot of people don’t use the aero. Rear aero actually helps wuite a bit in giving the car grip while cornering so it’s great for drifting, more grip while cornering means the car can drift faster. I have a 450HP 240sx with rear forza aero that can keep up with 800HP while drifting. Yes it’s slower to accelerate but it slides at the same speed as the bigger faster cars. Running front aero can help to of course.
This can vary a lot person to person. I personally set them biased towards the front. Usually anywhere between 65% and 80%. Using the brakes while still on throttle (Left foot braking in a real car) allows you to slow and control that front end direction more. Brake pressure I set around 140%-160%
I use the standard drift settings most of the time. You can do the Locked diff 100% accel and 100% decel as a lot og low HP cars use wielded diffs in real life. I use 100% all the time on the accel but use between 92% and 98% for decel