Drift handling sucks compared to forza 4? what am i doing wrong

I jumped from FM4 to FM6 aswell, and after i got into the game, i did some races and bought m5 e34 as it was my favourite drift car in FM4.
[Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]
Then i decided to learn xbox one controller by playing career.
After i finished career, things got much better, as I learned how cars feel in this game and after career I can already drift a bit, but not as comfortable as in FM4.
My advice is, just play the game, get comfortable with xb1 controller and look for five star drift builds, it helped me and it will probably help you :slight_smile:
I know it takes some time, for me it took like 2 weeks, to get myself drifting, but in FM4(first FM game for me) it took like 2-3 months to drift well.
Dont give up, it’s always worth trying, just practice and you’ll get it.

I’ve got an RX-7 tune I shared from a rivals challenge with 70k on rio, even after messing up some. It’s ok, think it could be better. If in a public lobby, not much to offer. Too many race and drag tires which with the handicap offgrip that forza adds to all races, it’s changing your style and re learning. You can search and try it if you’d like. Tw1stedThoughts

just wondering if u are drifting RWD or AWD…if u need AWD tunes i have them…i had the same problem with FM6. but i have found the setup that pretty much feels like FM4…feel free to friend me on live- HITMIXHYEPOCK71

Hey lads I’m David , I build , tune and maintain a lot of drift cars for living atm , and while I get and understand everyone’s issues and problems most are actully fixable , f6 is a lot faster then F4 for example the surge effect coming out of corner full of the throttle is twice as fast and the controls are 2 as sensitive need to feather the brake and throttel a lot more all the flat peadal heroics of f4 are gone to and extent until u adapt to f6 , I’ve been using Forza 6 now for few months and hve some realy solid drift tunes going if any of u are looking for some search my gamer tag in tunning search , other wise if looking with help on ur own tunes and tunning find me on FB same as gamer tag with @hotmail.com on the end with pull up my profile or search DLRmotorsports will bring up the busness page there’s plenty of tunes on f4 account / storefront to

David Lamb

Neat, I’ll build that up tonight.

Try drifting now that they fixed a few things in the January update. I couldn’t drift in 6 and they seemed to have fixed the issue and tonight I was getting 2nd and 3rd in 23 player races and I felt like I was in 4 again.

Cool, I’ll have to get it again then and try.

What exactly do you mean by
“Ive changed the controllor dead spot down to 5% which helped.”
What is this exactly and how can i do it…i m facing the same problem in f6 drifting

I read most of the comments but not all. It really seems everyone hates the physics engine on fm6. I’ve played all 8 forza games and for the most part I feel that fm6 is the most realistic of them so far. Yes. There is the touchyness of getting hit and spinning around a million times for no apparent reason that’s where the physics lack in every way possible. The feeling of speed sensation is way off. At 60mph it feels as if you’re going 20. I recall that this problem also existed in fm2 and the speed in the game was never that of real life and was absolutely terrible if you ever have time to go back and play it.

Biggest thing I’ve noticed is the full throttle experience. When actually drifting a real car there is a zone in which you simply cannot let off the throttle. If you lift then the front end comes out and you loose control. This is a very real experience and how real physics work. I don’t see any problems here. Fm4 was very throttle sensitive and even more brake sensitive. Drifting a 300hp car on stock tires in fm4 was simply off key. You could do these things easily but had a large gap between classes and handling
Here in fm6 weight and hp really make a massive difference and a stock tire 250hp car can now do what one of these cars would in the real world. Even more so a high hp car (I mean 650hp when I say high) can experience some pretty great things.
Obviously it’s a game on a new platform with many different things from the first fm series games. It takes time to addopt. If you’re still having trouble look up how cars are setup in the real world and mimic what they do. It’s no longer setting up a car in a video game when you have to set rebound and bump stiffness to some un holy in realistic bs. Not sure how everyone else has been doing but I say keep it simple. Keep sport brakes race suspension sport sway bars and race weight. Roll cage is you at descretion but always use strut tower bars and bracing. Keep it sport trans and everything. Else full race is cool. Run smaller tires and moderate hp. No higher then sport tires which all depends on how much hp you give it. Always keep weight in mind when choosing your hp. Don’t want to much hp in a light car and not enough in a heavy car. \rant.

Personally. Love the feeling of fm6 and see the physics as being the closest to real world that I’ve experienced from forza after 10 years of drifting with turn 10. Remember that every game in the series has had its flaws that none of us have liked or always complained about. Feel free to add me anytime :wink:

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If your coming straight from 4 to 6 without having played 5 that’s your problem, all it takes is practice. I played 5 even though I hated it but having sold my 360 once I got the one as soon as it was released I didn’t have much option. But I think fm6 is close to 4 (but its been a few years since I played 4 lol), the most power I run is 650 on stock tyres around 25psi rear and 23 or there abouts on the front, run the rebound and bump around 8.5 and 9 (softer on rear), zero camber on rear and -4 up front. I don’t point drift but can run 60k and over on bernese alps and if theres no one to tandem with ill always be top 3 on any tracks. as I say it just takes practice. yeah ALWAYS run manual with clutch to. FM6 is the best thing to forza 4 we have on the xbox one.

Did anyone even bother trying the open source tune I posted on the previous page?

Just because they put the word drift into a game doesn’t mean anything. Even if you manage to tune to be able to partially drift that doesn’t mean any of it is accurate.
I plugged 100% the exact same data from my old race car (professionally tuned) into the game and it was so awful I haven’t drifted since. Physics aren’t designed for drifting in this game,I don’t care how good you hold a drift, youve left simulation and moved into arcade…

Whether it’s accurate or not, rather then giving up we find ways to make it work. Play the cards you’ve been dealt

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I know your pain man, that’s why I didn’t drift in Forza 5. I’d be more than happy to help you out if you want to add me. I’m also doing a tutorial series on Youtube if you just want some quick tips. Let me know if you want some help!

For those transitioning from 4-6, the biggest change in the physics (imo) is the way tyres are affected by temperature now. It reminds me alot of Live For Speed on the pc, drifters in online tandems there usually have their cars tuned for hot tyres while drifting (unless mods are used). Forza feels very similar now regarding tyre Temps although the cool down period is rediculoiusly fast which is what makes things difficult as it ruins the progression of grip while drifting, one corner you’ve got the tyres roasting, then like 3 seconds of driving staight and the tyres have full optimum traction again which can be very disorientating.

If you build your cars with much wider tyres on the rear to the front then you can slightly overcome the loss of traction from higher temperatures of the tyres, the best thing to do is experiment with your tyre widths and find what suits you, makes a considerable difference especially if your using a controller

Since the Jan content update Drifting is even easier then before. This is taken from the Jan update article in the news section: News - Forza

“Addressed an issue related to angular velocity under specific conditions. This subtle change will be most noticeable for drifters and tuners who prefer to use a wheel.”