Story was good but didnt like that the building mid-car in both Hi & Low story lines was identical, so now I have 2 of the same car. Perhaps that part of the story should have been seperate after each Hi & Low story lines have finished.
From listening to the ending talk in the story, I do expect a part 3 considering they said the money pit cars were also scanned by PG.
One thing I noticed is that you can’t sell Mid car, you’ll get a message saying you can’t sell it in the Auction House because it was bought with a voucher. I almost got a heart attack when I saw that. I immediately checked to see if I still had my voucher, which I do. You can only remove Mid car from your garage if you want to get rid of one
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i don’t mind playing for new cars, but this was tedious and cringe. a bit less of both maybe?
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The story progression wasn’t too bad, but the feeling of simply duplicating both paths comes across as lazy. Could have been diversified more to make it more interesting without much effort.
Well, now that they’re officially killing the servers for FH 1 and 2 on August 22, 2023, “so (they) can focus on (their) most current games” I’m sure that can only mean much more effort on such and bug fixes here ! Eh ? What’s that ? FH 5 isn’t one of their most current games ?
I’m American, and I think they are just a group of cringe-worthy, obnoxious man-children who never reached a mental age higher than 6. They remind me of the player character in FH5 - an annoying, obnoxious, cringe-worthy manchild who apparently never hit puberty. I avoid their garbage “content”.
@OG_Crabb , As a US Citizen, first let me say, don’t insult the rest of the “Americans” from Canada to Argentina by insinuating they might like the dumbnuts.
Second, as a US Citizen @KnightOfRen8514 echoes my sentiments on the dumbnut garbage exactly.
The first installment was the last on for me. It was sad that I had to put up with that senseless opening montage just to get my 20 points in and get the AMG and be gone again.
You’re lucky. I had to sit through the whole story because I needed 160 points for the Z. Gonna get the last 60 I need tomorrow and then it’s back to 20pts and done.
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a friend of mine is having constant black screens when trying to load the third chapter of the story. hm
I hope whoever got my High and Low cars on the Auction House enjoys them more than I would’ve. I’m sure as hell not gonna miss them!
I didn’t get them. Didn’t even look. But glad you could dump them off!
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But they have 2 new bodykits
Can anyone help at all? The other day I tried the “Donut Media Hi” story and flunked the last part with the car upgrade basically because I was unsure of what to do. I’m not a massively experienced gamer so be gentle with me. So, wanting to have another go with a better idea of what to do I’ve found that both the Donut “Hi” and “Low” media icons have seemingly disappeared from the map altogether. I’ve come in and out of the game and they’re still missing. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
Do a Youtube search on “Horizon 5 Donut Media” there’s a number of videos on how to 3 star.
It’s been a while since I’ve run it but what I remember is: max rear tire width and as much power as possible. The race weight reduction may have helped but I don’t recall right off which way was easier. This is with traction control on. The high speed corners may be tricky but that was it that sticks in my memory.
if the icons have gone it might be that you have filtered the map or it might help to filter the map anyway; when in the map, RB on xbox controller brings up a list of filters, one is “stories”, which might be off so turn it on, but better to do a select-all at the top to toggle all off then find stories and leave just that switched on
if THAT doesn’t work, um, er, well, yeah, um . . . (“support” ticket time)
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I’m from the UK and (I will be a little more polite in my wording given forum rules) they are very irritating and childish. They seem to have spent more time sipping back on leaded petrol than crafting their wit and I’m convinced that some of them were dropped on their heads at least once as babies.
Random annoying phrases or noises don’t make you funny
They seem to be trying too hard, and failing miserably, to imitate Clarkson/May/Hammond but come across as the typical lowest-common-denominator idiot that the YT algorithm seems to favour
On the second story, I played it with the sound off because I just couldn’t take their stupidity
if I remember rightly, they weren’t as annoying in the second story, there was some vaguely interesting commentary from them
They aren’t that annoying in the videos as they are in the game. Also they don’t even sound like themselfs in the game and I don’t know what’s with that.
The game is my only exposure to them so that’s what I base my opinion on. I have seen them recommended on YT a few times since being in the game but because of game I have not had the inclination to click on any of them
My YT car related recommendations are mostly BMW maintenance (joys of owning a 13 year old car) and the rest are tech/cybersecurity related because that’s mostly the content that I watch
I may have a look at some of their videos at some point