Change it to another mode and it will stay on that mode.
I have to do that every time I start a new game. That’s what I’m trying to avoid here. I set it to FMM. Next game starts… game optimizer.
No not once you have change the picture mode. Next time it will stay.
Nope. Already started FH5, FM, and Cyberpunk. All revert back to game optimizer.
Why are you using filmmaker mode? Not an option on the C1 in this mode. Try standard see if that stays. You shouldn’t use filmmaker mode for a game.
Because it has proper blacks and doesn’t brighten the entire screen like game optimizer and cinema home does. It doesn’t mess with the colors at all. Looks the best.
You can adjust all these things on your own. Try standard and plug in the numbers you see from FMM. Mine isn’t going into game mode and that’s the only difference (no fmm). Will create a lot of lag most people would not want.
Didn’t work. No matter the mode I set, game optimizer is started when I start a game. And, afaik, there is nothing wrong with this TV.
Also waaaay too many clarity options enabled with standard. Worst I have in FMM is real cinema. In Standard every single one of these settings is enabled.
I didn’t say there was… just trying to match our settings. You understand this is difficult to convey. through chat I got mine to do it. It stays off. VRR stays on. Don’t know why yours won’t unless a setting is different that’s why I say standard.
Menus may look similar, but the TVs are very different. I had a C1 before this and it was very different. Maybe it’s a G3 issue, maybe not. All I know is that it’s driving me nuts.
They aren’t that different. Screen and chip. WEBos is the same.
The problem is what you’re doing isn’t what most want to do. You get a visual hit on game mode. It is what it is. You have it on standard(user)? It may make a difference.
I had a C1 prior to this and barring the menus looking similar, they’re quite different. I tried standard and it has too many clarity settings enabled. That’ll introduce more latency than I’m willing to deal with. What I don’t need is every enhancement turned off ( color boost and whatever else comes with this MLA panel ) just to get a microsmidge less latency.
I use FMM because that is what works best for HDR10 ( no black raise etc - see Resetera’s OLED guide ). I had been running HDR10 since I bought this TV so wanted to give DV a shot and this is what I’ve discovered. It won’t stay out of game optimizer and all modes but FMM raise the blacks. Likely a MLA panel thing, Idk. All I know is that FMM looks the best of all HDR modes I’ve run on this TV ( even looks better than PS5’s HDR10!! ) and I want to use it without it automatically going into game optimizer every time I start a game. I want it to stick to FMM.
Seems this may be a G3 problem so I’ll bug LG about it. I still think the DV setting is doing something it shouldn’t be though. DV for Gaming hasn’t exactly worked correctly since it was introduced.
Different TV same menus. That’s what I said. Turn off the clarity settings. You can turn all that off manually within standard. FMM still leaves clarity stuff on a little, that’s why I turn all the clarity stuff off manually within any of the picture settings. Being an MLA panel is irrelevant to this discussion. Nothing to do with what we are talking about. It’s just brighter. You can raise the blacks yourself. It’s just different picture settings FMM uses. Forza Motorsport doesn’t officially support DV for gaming. It’s the Xbox forcing DV on. Better off using HDR.
Have you tried game mode recently with hgig, supposedly a couple of months ago it was patched and apparently fixed whatever issues that tv had with game mode which is why people were using fmm to begin with.
Should help with the HDR10 colors but I think he wants more than that. I just turned HGIG back on. It doesn’t look washed out to me with game mode on either way. It will be more colorful with game mode off I would think but I’m but I’m not willing to take the latency hit. Looks better HGIG on. Clouds have more clarity. Significantly better with HGIG now.
Nah. DV looks much better long as it’s not in game optimizer. Xbox handles HDR in a weird way. I can run Cyberpunk back to back on my PS5 pro and Series X and PS5 version will win out every time. I’ve tested this with several other games that I have on both consoles and the PS5 always looks better.
When I turned on DV the other day and set both to FMM, Series X looks better. It, or my TV ( jury’s out ) just won’t stop setting game optimizer by default.
Hgig is still turning off the color boost or whatever. Makes whites and hot colors ( like suns and lights ) look duller. I also notice more banding. Game Optimizer is still junk imho.
It still doesn’t support it. At least I’ve never seen anything official that says it does. The metadata isn’t there if it doesn’t. That’s the difference between HDR10 and DV. DV uses metadata for each scene or game segment. HDR10 is like one pass all the same values across the scenes or segments. The Xbox just forces it on when selected whether the game really supports it or not. So does my cable box for SDR content. . Had to turn off hdmi deep color on that input to stop it. Doesn’t look right. It think it’s just the way the colors are set in the DV mode. You can adjust all this manually.