I saw someone mention the game looks better with Dolby vision turned off, when playing with series X. I turned it off & I THINK…not sure, but I THINK, the car colors look a little better. Might just be my hopeful imagination. I also saw a Reddit thread, where several people said the graphics quality, with Dolby vision, was game specific. Anybody else tried switching between the two settings, and notice a difference? They also said you had to turn game or console off for the setting to apply.
Try these HDR settings from this professional calibrator. DV may increase input lag more than regular HDR. This isn’t FM specific. It is for consoles in general. Vincent is one of the highest regarded TV calibrators around. He is regularly invited by the major brands to see their products and is well respected by the other YouTube calibrators.
Of course depending on your TV model your YMMV. This can be subjective of course. I found HDTVtest and others doing research for about 3 months before buying my TV 2 years ago. Certainly worth a try.
I thought there was an improvement.
Thanks. I’ll give it a look, after work.
Figured out why it looks washed. On my LG G3 here, the Xbox automatically sets Game Optimizer as the display mode no matter what you set. Another case of Xbox/MS knowing what’s best for you. They need to knock this nonsense off. When I set the display mode on my TV to FMM with Dolby Vision on, it looks far superior to HDR10. There’s 2 problems here. LG thinking they need to make the mode look worse just to shave off a microsmidge of latency and Xbox/MS not doing their due diligence to find out which display type makes the games look best.
The ONLY solution we have right now is to keep setting our own display mode every time a game is started. Annoying and I hope that some Xbox people see this so that this is changed. We DO NOT need to use Game Optimizer (barf) mode in order to use LLM and VRR.
That’s your TV automatically going into game mode not the Xbox or the game controlling that.
To disable game mode on an LG TV, you can turn off Game Optimizer:
I wouldn’t turn it off. I’d rather have less latency. It does need game mode to get lower latency because it disables certain things. That’s the whole point of game mode.
- Press the Settings button on the TV remote
- Select All Settings
- Select General
- Select Game Optimizer
- Set Game Optimizer to Off
No it isn’t. I’ve tried turning it off. Still selects Game Optimizer.
I’ve also turned off auto LLM in xbox settings. No dice. DV for gaming automatically switches to Game Optimizer.
Fine don’t believe me
Well, you’re telling me to do something that I’ve already done and it doesn’t work so… What you expect?
TV doesn’t automatically pick game optimizer for my PS5 and it’s running HDR10. TV didn’t automatically pick game optimizer for the Xbox when it was running HDR10. What makes you think that the TV is doing this just for the Xbox in DV mode? Xbox is doing it and it’s a well known thing. A quick search will show you all about it.
The solution isn’t to turn the game optimizer VRR and and such off, the solution is for Xbox to stop automatically setting Game Optimizer when DV mode is activated.
The ONLY time this should happen is when the Auto LLM setting is enabled in Xbox video mode settings.
VRR has zero to do with the game optimizer. That’s variable refresh rate. It will still be active game mode or not. It’s still your TV doing it no matter how much you argue it isn’t. ALLM (auto low latency mode) is game mode there is no turning it on separately. You need to disable that if you want to do this. There is no other way. Works on my LG.
It is not my TV doing it. It is the DV for gaming setting. Look it up. It’s a known thing. VRR is an option provided by the AMD and/or Nvidia tech ( GPU ) software so it has MUCH to do with game optimizer. It’s in the game optimizer menu settings for one, and the technology comes from gaming tech for 2. It is designed to reduce screen tearing when there is a fluctuation in frame rates. All gaming tech.
There is LITERALLY a setting in Xbox video modes that turns on ALLM so wrong again. This is also a setting in the PS5 menu. Again, the ONLY time this thing should switch to Game Mode is when I want it to. It should NOT be forced.
You clearly have NO experience with this TV ( LG G3 ). I have owned it since launch and I’ve also owned the Series X since launch. I know exactly what they do. If I’m wrong, post up a vid showing and proving to me that turning game optimizer off solves this problem. I’ll wait. I turned it off. Restarted the TV. Restarted the Xbox. No change. DV for gaming still forces game optimizer mode even with the thing turned off.
Dunno what else to tell you.
Again not the TV. Not going to argue. Look it up. Turning on ALLM will always make the TV turn on game mode because it’s just another word for it. You say don’t care about the extra latency so turn the ALLM off in the Xbox settings and the TV will no longer do that. Just tried and it stays. Says Dolby Vision and in Picture Standard (user). I shut off the Xbox turned back on and now it stays off the game optimizer. C1 the menus are the same.
I see no video so no, don’t trust you. My G3 doesn’t behave that way. I turn it off. Xbox still sets the mode. Plenty of people having similar issues with DV on Xbox.
I don’t have ALLM on. Never said I did. I know exactly what that setting does, so why would I have it on if I don’t want Game Optimizer mode running? Also turning off all the Game Optimizer settings disables VRR so that’s not a solution either.
Where is your head at here?!
Just try what I said. Not going to hurt anything.
Not making you a video. Seriously? Spent way too much time already.
Again nothing to do with VRR. Mines still on. Hit the green button on the LG remote 5 times. You will see the current VRR info and the current frame rate.
No no no no and no. Just turned it off. Restarted the TV. Restarted Xbox. Game Optimizer mode started. The ONLY thing you said that is true is that VRR is still running.
Turn off ALLM in the Xbox. Make sure it’s off.
Than it can’t go into game mode. What you’re saying is impossible. ALLM is game mode. So if it’s off how is it going to game mode?!}
Then why does it say Dolby Vision Select Mode is Game Optimizer right now?