I see the Crew 2 is coming to game pass next week and a few people I know are already playing it. Is it worth trying or is FH5 better?
Btw I’m not promoting this game. Nor do I know anything about it. Just interested to know what fellow Forza players think.
From what I’ve seen, it has the classic arcade blunder of having cars turn from the middle like they’re toys a 5 year old is playing with.
Physics are always going to be an important thing for me, but they particular asinine physics choice is one I cannot tolerate for any reason. It’s why I couldn’t play NFS: Heat, in spite of loving most of the non-physics related stuff about that game. I may give it a try, but I doubt it’ll last more than 30 minutes before I turn it off in disgust.
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I 100%'ed it a while ago and the best way to sum it up is the same as other non FH open world racing games, FH is the better game but it does certain things much better + just feels like the devs are trying a lot more than PG have been in recent years.
It’s worth checking out just for the map alone, it’s absolutely huge, plenty of US cities + landmarks and has racetracks built into it including Laguna Seca.
Makes you wonder how big of a map FH could have by now if MS weren’t likely always on PG’s backs about the graphics for each new game having to be tip top to showcase the console.
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I mean that seems a little OTT, neither this or NFS claim to be anything other than arcadey when it comes to physics, NFS has had that kind of driving for 12 years now since HP2010 was the first time since MW that an entry received widespread praise, and the 1st Crew game’s physics were stiff + lifeless.
Not often I disagree with you but it would be purely your own fault + perspective if you ended up disgusted by TC2, it’s physics are simple + easy to get used to, there’s nothing objectively wrong with them.
That’s more that fair, but it does suck that video game developers have it stuck in their head that open world, open format racing games must be terrible physics.
I’ve got nothing against the Crew 2 in particular, just the industry trend.
I could take a whack at the fact that it’s an Ubisoft game too, but honestly I don’t think there is a genre better suited to the typical Ubisoft formula. My only issues there are their fine-tuned, corporate approved, buzzword infused, severely edited to the point that it has no personality anymore presentation, and the fact that they’re going to force an awful launcher on me layered under the current launcher because shoving their brand in my face is more important than a good user experience.
Edit: I do realize I’m particularly picky when it comes to physics. I’ve decided to embrace it. I don’t look down on others for choosing otherwise. If people are having fun playing the Crew 2, that’s fantastic. Doesn’t make them less of a driving fan or whatever. If anything it makes me less, because I’m willing to be picky. Meant no offence to the Crew 2 fans.
I play it. It has some aspects that are better than what Horizon 5 offers. For example a lot more visual customisation for cars - even modern hypercars and such. Want to have a widebody Senna? Got you.
It also has some unique cars that are rarely seen in games. Especially French ones (Bugatti Centodieci, LVN, 57 Atlantic, Chiron SS 300+, Renault RS 01…).
Downsides are the map quality (it’s extremely vast but lacks detail), car physics and the class system.
If you find your fun mostly in driving then it won’t be very pleasing. If you want to run a lot of different vehicle categories, have fun customising & enjoy numerous game modes then it’ll be fun.
You can hit me up via PM for more specific questions. I have maxed every category, have experience with tuning & setting top 10 times (nitrous management, track knowledge, game mechanic abuses).
I’d have to agree + disagree on the map at the same time, agree it lacks detail but the sheer size of it makes it that you could drive so many different roads + places without repetition kicking in, I’d certainly recommend it ahead of FH for anyone who just wants to drive around + explore a big place.
A middle ground between both games would be great, FH like I say above likely suffers from MS demanding it looks 10/10 every entry so a big map at the same time is just not possible, while TC1 + 2’s arguably biggest selling point is that huge landscape but obviously the graphics quality has to take a hit to accommodate it.
I said on here a while ago I would happily still have FH looking like FH2 if it meant a much bigger map in the following games, even 8 years on it’s still good looking enough to satisfy all but those who think graphics are the be all and end all of games.
Entering in the conversation just to follow along for now. If it’s on game pass I’ll give it a go.
It’s 80% off for the Gold Edition so I’m gonna have a go. I’m prepared for not amazing physics, so I think I’ll be alright.
This is like a retro game with a budget. It’s a bad game, but a really good bad game.
It gave me a free Vanquish for comnecting my account, too.
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its more people playing then forza 4 at moment on pc plus forza lets be hounest its re skin this all xbox knows from halo to gears to forza only 3 games they have and reskin with bare min added , plus its boring tiny map same type bs races over and over the crew is epic in good way so play city your from or love and its not insane gouge you dlc cars and passes every month but best it does not get stale you can fly planes or boats but biggest issue is who made forza some racist anti white people the game selection is insane nothing for white straight man only person they have is loser dweeb comes straight from nazi far left capitol of trANSWORLD silicone city . plus sorry forza cant amke up its mind arcade or is it sim it middle sahit at both mheh in middle all i have to say is rewind button same thing as giving weak stupid children a award for last place . sorry but post this here clear all forza slaves to xbox are going to lick it up circle jerk i care fun in games and forza is boring after first week
Final thoughts.
I regret not buying it at launch, but don’t even mind what I’ve missed. The free Aston is really good upgraded and gold pack cars include some really nice sections.
The prizes and stories feel a bit more thoughtful and it rewards skill and rank so you are encouraged to do better in the weekly events. I was in the zone for best rewards, but since then moved down, so am encouraged to play again. It’s not crucial stuff, but nice stuff I want to see if I can get. 

Physics and graphics aren’t as good (*if you liked the old NFS games like NFSU & NFS MW you will probably still enjoy them. Very old-school NFS) but its actually still visually more epic to me and like the map is alive and instead of barn finds of old cars you could previously just buy, you find parts from old wrecks to build mean looking vintage hot rods.
The fact you can transform into a plane or boat/hovercraft mid-action as well. That’s sick.
I just had a series of storm races and it actually felt like absolute chaos with police cars and buildings falling apart. Made it to the plane first and won a special Mitsubishi GTO “No rules” edition which you cannot just buy in an AH. I think everyone else got arrested. 
Worth the money if its still on sale.
The first prize car I can win from the summit is a cool demo derby car
how did they know? Huge incentive to keep practising and get less rubbish quick. Only 2,100 “platinum” ranked players will get it.
I finished gold last week but feel a lot more up to speed now.
3 hours to go and I’m in with a strong shout. I am quite enjoying this format.
Edit: 1 hour left and I’ve managed to climb into the top 500, so I think I am safe! Time for a beer.
Another point to playing TC2 now is the garage import feature of The Crew Motorfest - while the garage import feature itself has been mentioned plenty in coverage of Motorfest, one aspect that hasn’t been mentioned much is that a number of cars in Motorfest can only be had by importing from TC2, and can’t be obtained otherwise. Seems to be mostly the special variants of normal cars, like the hillclimb version of the Focus RS RX, or the Raptor dually with the UFO in the bed…