Could be the best game ever!!!

I think if everything i have seen from the demo is going to happen and car customization is like FM4 then this is THE BEST GAME EVER MADE BY T10 if not the best racing game ever made.

I gotta say this game is amazing for sure, honestly the force feedback and vibration in my wheel feels smoother and much stronger then on Forza 5 even, everything bout this game is pretty amazing I mean I can’t really think of one complaint bout it honestly.

I’ve been waiting a long time for a game to make me feel the same way that TDU1 did. I was hopeful that FH1 would do the trick, but it fell short. After playing the FH2 demo, I have high hopes that this will become my new all time favorite racing game!

My thoughts exactly
especially after tdu2 let us down it was better sort of, but worse at the same time (still played it to death)
I thought FH1 was the one!..but nope excellent game but still didn’t knock the tdu series off of my top spot
but this one…I think she will be THE ONE!

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It’ll be hard to top off Need For Speed Most Wanted 2005 for me.

Don’t know if “best game EVER” is accurate, it has some stiff competition (for me) in the forms of Minecraft, Skyrim, FM and GTA (among others).

Definately in the top 5 though, if the rest of the game is as grin-inducing as the demo.

B Wald

Might I say first, say thanks to Playground Games as well. If it wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t have this massive, wonderful open world. T10 played their part with the cars and physics.

Second, it has potential to be top 3. Not 1 yet. The world will be massive, but not as massive as TDU or TDU 2. The Crew had an upper hand in terms of world size, but the handling kills it.

My opinions.

IMO the physics in TDU were diabolical as well. Doesn’t surprise me that The Crew is a disapointment in that department either.

I’ll wait and see how P. Cars turns out, but it seems PG/T10 are the only folks who think physics and driving feel are important to a game like this.

Which is why I bought theirs, and not the others. Vote with your wallet, that’s how capitalism works!

B Wald

Yeah truthfully I’m just getting The Crew for the customization and map size, I mean I’ve heard the handling is decent from the beta but it is a Beta afterall so hopefully the handling will be better once the full game comes out. As for PCars, I have pretty high hope for it I mean the game’s been in open beta for years now and they’ve listened to the feedback and that’s what usually makes a great game so we’ll see what happens :slight_smile:

I still think TDU and PGR4 deserve the title of best game ever :slight_smile: The Crew may come close, have to wait and see. Horizon 2 may get the title, if it can do away with the short comings. But it seems like one of the major issues, the map size, hasn’t been addressed at all, so I think Horizon 2 will again not get the title. Removing barriers alone isn’t going to cut it for me. Again… wait and see what it will be once the full game is released.

The Map size is a lot bigger then say the first horizon, what they give you in the beta is only bout 30% of the actual map size from the looks of it, not huge by all means but I’ll take a large map with extreme detail and dynamic weather over a huge map with less detail and no weather any day.

You know what? Your map estimate is really not encouraging at all! People drive from one end of the demo map to other end in just a few minutes. That means the map size is actually not bigger, but smaller or just the same as the Horizon one. Also take in account that the north to south is smaller as the Horizon map. As for the extreme detail, I’m not sure, must have missed that completely. On top of that, one would assume that the XO could handle all of it with a much larger map then this… if not, that would be quite disappointing for a next gen console.

Anyway, I’m not going to play it on the XO, but on the 360 and I’m sure that the 360 version will be the best Forza ever made for the 360… new studio, new team, new ideas, new challenges and something to prove… it may well be very good :slight_smile:

Along with many others, it’s been an interesting couple months watching all this develop that I’m now almost sad has finally reached its inevitable end. You’re just one small step away from completing the transition and despite my wish it could drag on yet a little bit more, please do not disappoint by failing to go that last mile.

Once more it’s an estimation, and it takes a while to drive from one side of the demo map to the other, not just a few mins haha Also everything including the cars are in very high detail and to be fair the driving area has already been confirmed to be 3 times bigger then the original horizon. The system can handle a bigger map, just look at The Crew for instance but The Crew graphically doesn’t impress anybody, the physics have had pretty awful reviews so far from the beta testers, and the game didn’t have dynamic weather just cause it couldn’t handle it. Forza wanted a huge playground but with very good visuals, detail, and dynamic weather and that’s what they did. Course keep in mind if you already have an XO I’d highly suggest getting it for the XO cause there’s some pretty big differences in the two versions.

I must be missing something because its far for the best anything outside of possibly the best arcade style racer on next gen which isn’t saying much. The game is probably better than the demo I would assume but I don’t get all the hype. It doesn’t seem any different from the original Horizon.

It might be good but not best ever…
In no order:
NFS Underground
Mario Kart
Project Gotham Racing 2
Midnight Club II
rFactor 2
Sega GT