Hi Guys,
For 2 days now i have been trying to connect online in several different servers on Forza 6 and overtime it says Disconnected from server? My internet connection is working perfectly and any other game works on my xbox. Does anyone know what the problem may be and how to fix it??
Lots of us experience the same and would like to know the answer to your question too, but there can be a zillion reasons for it and it’s almost impossible to give you guidance on a correct answer. I would try a hard reset of your console (as Snowowl prescribe) and router, make sure your router’s ports are open and NAT settings are open (just in case your ISP changed things) and check that XBlive don’t have regional issues. Besides these have a look at the special stickied thread on connectivity issues - maybe one of the community suggestions solve your issue. Best of luck.
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Thankyou! i tried the reset of my xbox and it seems to be working perfectly now