My question is; will a demo for Forza Motorsport 6 be arriving before the game’s release?
I’m asking because I’d be interested in taking the game for a “test drive” before buying into the Ultimate Edition. I appreciated the demo for Forza Horizon 2, as it gave me a bit of a taste for the epicness to come, and I’d greatly appreciate a demo for Forza Motorsport 6.
Thank you all very much for reading, have a good day, and race on!
We have not yet heard anything but I agree, a demo would be nice.
I’m considering the Ultimate Edition but want to be a bit more sure what I’m getting into. Considering my experience with FM5 and PCars it would be nice to have a preview. I typically don’t consider digital either but you can’t get everything for the same price with this digital bundle. Also, Forza has been having insane sync issues with Xbox One and I regularly play on two consoles - syncing would be much easier with a digital copy but at the same time it seems all the digital copy owners are the ones having the sync issues…
Just curious why you think syncing would be easier with a digital game? Once installed, the syncing process is the same for digital and physical versions of the game.
Yes, but physical copies require the disc physically be in the console.
As I said, I regularly play on two consoles located about 115 miles apart. With a disc copy of the game, I require the physical disc be inserted in the console to sync game data. That means that if I have the disc with me, I must wait until I arrive at my second console to insert the disc and start the sync process which can take a couple of hours when your paints, tunes, and garage are quite full. If I had a digital copy of the game, I can ask someone at my other location to log in as me, load up the game, and allow it to sync over night or while they are not using the TV and when I arrive the sync will be complete. In fact, using a VPN and the Xbox Smartglass App, I could do it all from my mobile phone.
Agree a demo would be nice. The Horizon 2 demo got me soo hooked on the game I bought it right away So it would be nice to try the Forza motorsport 6 before I buy it.
I agree a demo is needed paying 82 pound to find if the game is good or not isn’t fun. Example. I got Forza 5 limited edition since i had played and loved all previous Forzas. Forza 5 was binned after a week and i went back to forza 4. What a waste of money 5 was. Played Forza 4 until horizon 2 came out and have played that religiously since release.
Pretty much all previous Forza demos have come a month before the game’s release so if there was a demo, it’d likely be out sometime very soon. However, I’m now presuming there will be no demo.
Yeah I am with you on this one. FM5 & ProjCars was such a disappointment that I will wait with FM6. I have FH2 &
DriveClub at the moment so wasting $99 again would be pointless. I am hoping for a Demo but if they haven’t announced it until now then it’s not coming.
To be totally honest this new generation from Sony &
Microsoft has been mediocre at best!! I was hoping for so much more and none is better then the other. It’s just a shame really and I am hoping for more but the second
Anniversary is coming up & it’s just meh so far lol.
Sorry, just to avoid any mis-quoting that was a reply to a tweet saying the guy had bought Ultimate. He wasn’t suggesting you buy Ultimate to have a “demo”
I, personally, just hope they release one before the Ultimate Edition drops.
I really want to buy the Ultimate Edition, but I’m scared of spending $100 that I’d normally spend on pizza, and ramen noodles - because I’m a Uni student, and therefore; broke.