Decals skewed upon reducing size

Hey everyone
Recently started getting into making my own designs and decals, and am loving it so far.
One issue I’ve run into is when i make a decal, for instance one for my fh3 club, its skewed and looks bad when i reduce the size to put on my car.
I made the decal in the vinyl group editor, and believe this issue is because i couldnt zoom in like i can while editing on a car.
I’m wondering if anyone can chime in with thier experience to see if my hypothesis is correct, and share any ideas or tips for a up and coming designer.

Not sure what you mean by cant zoom in in the artboard mode. Just make it bigger on screen! I paint them massive!

If you are going too small on the car they will pixelate a fair amount im finding, but this depends on complexity of the logo.
Sometimes making it less complex will make it look better!


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Thanks for the input PilotViper, unfortunately the car in question (silvia s13) is what i planned on putting the decal on first, but plan to move it onto all my cars i drive regularly. Definitely good to know sometimes things just dont work, so I’ll keep that in the back of my mind when in my next project.

ABGRAPHICS, I should have worded it as, i made my decal large in artboard mode, but when reducing the size it looks quite pixelated as you said. The only work around i think ive found is zooming in as much as possible when in the livery editor, and making the design from there. I plan on trying tonight, and I’m thinking it will work because im so zoomed in that ill be able to spot imperfections. Hoping to move past trial and error inbetween the artboard and livery editor.

Either way I’ll post my results for the community.

When you load your vinyl onto your car, re-size on the car so you can see the whole logo on the door, then select “ungroup” option from the edit group menu list, then hold the right trigger and highlight each layer from the logo then select “group” option from the edit group menu list. It will no re-size at a smaller rate because you have redefined the start size of the vinyl. This will cause less pixelation as you get smaller and smaller. Now you won’t have to remake/trace your vinyls on the car