Dark / Dim textures and problems with lighting only in HotWheels

Since the latest update i’ve been having massive issues with the graphics when playing HotWheels.

The game might become really dim, and changing between in-car camera and outside car camera (hood) , the lighting will change dramatically.

Sometimes it’s like the lights have been turned off and i can barely see the track, then all of the sudden, all lights come one and the game looks somewhat like its supposed to.

Sometimes i also get this Zack Snyder effect as seen in the images.

Platform: Windows 11, Steam
Edition: Deluxe edition
Account: My own gaming pc … private ?
PC GPU: Asus RTX 3060 TI 8GB
Peripheral: G29
Settings: Everything has been on auto since day 1 and most settings are on ULTRA, at 3440x1440 120hz, AA has been set to 4x MSAA and TAA disabled.

Attempted fixes: I’ve tried deleting the shader cache and have rebooted / updated everything.

Content Update: The graphics has been having issues ever since the latest update.

its for april fool’s day.

i have the same issue. just started hw dlc but yeah the graphical issue is very bad unplayable even. i cant see anything unless i go picture mode and back out. only in hotwheels tho. other maps are fine

So, does that reset the lighting ? or does it only fix the light in the picture mode ?

Same issue for me. Only in hw dlc, map all dark cant see anything. any fix?

got same issue, i cant see nothing