The requirements should be mostly the number of stuff shared. Perhaps to get some reasonable combined number of downloads
and likes. Otherwise rip 100%. What do you all think about this ?
I don’t feel the need to get accolades in game modes I don’t use.
I don’t paint so don’t care about those for example.
They are there to reward those who are good at painting.
LOL, most popular were AFK stuff and tuning, EZ money/FP/Forzathon, etc. Everything else is similar. This game is not about quality. I think OP is right. I don’t care about creative accolades like in H4 but still, quality is not a measure here.
The game isn’t a meritocracy, it gives a massive first mover advantage to those who got the game early, especially those who Microsoft gives early access to, ie. the people who they know will give it good reviews and praise.
The most downloaded tunes are similar, some of them aren’t particularly good, but they’re very popular and have five stars, because they’re made by famous YouTubers.
There is a symbiotic relationship between the games industry and these streamers (or another word that begins with ‘s’ and rhymes with hills).
As above, the Accolades should reward the tuners/painters/photographers that do good work…it shouldn’t be like FH4 Star Cards where you could share then unshare the same photo hundreds of times to increase your Level