Crashes infinite loading screens, game restarts. Xbox Series

I really like the forza motorsport game, it has a lot of potential, but they have to act faster to solve the serious errors that exist when you play on xbox series x in multiplayer. I usually play with a group of friends and there are times when 50% of the time we are not doing races due to the amount of glitches. Here I list some of the most frequent ones.

When entering a room it is possible that one of my group mates will not be able to enter.

Before starting the race, if I navigate between the drivers, the game crashes and closes completely.

There are times when entering a practice you may end up on an infinite loading screen.

After the race, when I click continue, an update calendar message is displayed and to solve it I have to close the game completely and open it again.

When I leave the room with my group of friends, I may experience an infinite loading screen and have to close the game completely and reopen it.

Before starting the races there are times when the counter freezes and for the race to start you have to wait more than 5 minutes. Once it is unlocked, the race begins with half the players.

I write all this not with the intention of criticizing the game but with the intention of reporting and fixing the errors faster. I love forza’s work and I know it will be a very successful competition platform for a long time.


I have had the same experiences.

When I 1st bought the game, I was having very few issues. With the exception of when in rivals mode, then you could almost bank on the game crashing after changing the car or making any changes to the equipment. Now after the latest patch I cannot even get past the main menu screen. I have done a reset of the console (xbox series s), an uninstall and reinstall of the game (twice), and I still can no longer play the game. I am beginning to think that this is the biggest waste of money, and wish I did not buy the game now.


Sur XBOX séries :

Depuis semaine derniĂšre :

Au lancement, il reste bloquĂ© sur l’écran de dĂ©marrage, et charge indĂ©finiement.

J’ai dĂ©sinstallĂ© / rĂ©sintallĂ© / fait la derniĂšre MAJ (11/03), rien n’y fait.

J’ai mĂȘme essayĂ© de jouer en cloud par le game pass Ă  partir d’un PC et pareil il reste boquĂ© sur l’écran de dĂ©marrage.

Quelqu’un aurait une idĂ©e SVP ?

Merci par avance.
Good morning,

On XBOX series:

Since last week:

When launched, it gets stuck on the splash screen, and loads indefinitely.

I uninstalled / reinstalled / did the last update (11/03), nothing works.

I even tried to play in the cloud using game pass from a PC and the same thing remains stuck on the start screen.

Anyone have an idea please?

Thanks in advance.

Why did you bump such an ancient post?

Same experience!! Just today. Playing also on Xbox X
Sometimes it crashes in the middle of the race. Sometimes, what is more embarissing, at the end of the race when i just cross the finish line.
I recognized that it crashes most of the time after 3 races.
Sometimes its starts with flashing surroundings till it crashes.
I tried to avoid this, by starting the game new, before starting to play online
 doesn‘t help either