Corner Cutting Alternatives Topic

Okay, so first off I have searched and not found any topics dedicated to purely discussing alternatives to this.

As we know, corner cutting has been a huge issue in FM5. I have been trying to think of alternatives to anti-corner cutting other than sticky grass. Sticky grass can be annoying some of the time because of being shoved off or what not. Has anyone come up with any possible alternatives to it? This is for pure head to head racing, not hot lapping because hot lapping can be stopped with time penalties.

The only option I could come up with that is viable could be having it to where there is a hit detection system and if you go off track without touching anyone, or if you go off track in certain areas of the track, it will slow your speed down to a crawl similarly to NFS Shift? Whereas a hit detection system knows if you get shoved off and doesn’t penalize you.

Well YAS has two big shortcuts that I would be more than happy with sticky grass.
Curbs or bumps that upset the cars, works on other tracks.

Cheaters will be cheaters.

People will use what ever makes them faster(car, line or assist) . There are not cheating!!! There just not playing the game your way. T10 set the rules not us.

If you’re playing a game by one set of rules, and one party changes rules for an advantage, that’s cheating!

If we are playing unofficiated basketball and I step out of bounds with the ball, where there is no sticky area, I come back in and continue on… NBA set the rules of the game. There is a handbook. It is cheating.

The only exceptions are when both or all parties agree to rule offsets.

Am I correct in this?

Every league has a diffrent set of rules.
Where playing Forza motorsports 5. T10 has given us the rule we must follow. No exceptions.

Right. Every league has it’s set of rules. And participants playing in the same league are bound to those rules.

I get your point though. The general rule is to drive on the road unless circumstances prevent. Drivers are not to use the off road for deliberate advantage. But where exactly is this disclaimed by T10? I’m not aware of a rule to stay on pavement. So you are right. In the FM5 league rule set, there is no rule, there is only penalty. There is nothing we sign before going into a lobby stating we agree to follow certain road rules. So people can do what they want.

If they wanted to penalize it, they would, but imo that would disenfranchise part of their core who buys games.

I mean one way would be for us to create our own lobbies and enforce rules, something like a user lobby might work. Maybe one user is host and selects circuits, but rules are based on honor. There was a game few years back that did that.

The final corners at leMans have something that seem to toss people up in the air like they drove over a land mine. I like those.

Or like catalunya last S tune.

Extreme loss of grip if more than half the car is ACTUALLY off the track… In other words slippy grass. It kinda sorts the problem with sticky grass as one tyre on it can slow you right down. It would also add some more fun stuff to do, especially on the TG Test Track.

You might lose control and take out otheres.

When people do that I just let them go and then change my strategy a bit and go for best clean lap.

Lead by example, stay on the track and if you can pass them, pass them cleanly. If you see them coming stay out of the way because if they shortcut again it just might be that they take you out on the exit of the corner.

If you loose to them just realize that if you were on an actual track they would have had to serve at least a stop and go, if not a 30 second penalty in the pits.

Remember Senna lost his first place finish in Japan because he did the L, R, L, between the tire barriers instead of staying on the track.

If you stay on track, I would follow you and I would hope you do the same. The problem I have is the person behind me, will take us both out.
people are not to blame, turn10 is. Lot of people are so use to taking the faster line they dont even think about it more. T10 needs better deterents to keep every buddy on the race line.

Something I’ve always thought would be a good idea is a fuel penalty. When you clip a corner or ride a wall or rail your fuel consumption jumps to 1000x normal. Or some rate that gives a little leeway towards accidental run off. You spend too much time in a race doing that and your car ghosts and you sputter and die on the track. It’s got to leave a little leeway or trolls are just gonna knock you off track to “empty” your tank.

Thats the problem with alot deterents, they let trolls exploit it.

A 3 strikes and you are out system. The game would need to try and detect if you are corner cutting deliberately as opposed to being shunted.

First two corner cuts you ate warned. Third one gives a dnf.

For online racing only and the rule can be set to on or off.

Maybe the same for wallriding.

System like that might have its own side effects and might be hard to code right.^^^^^^^^

What about slower grass instead of super sticky grass? Simple make it faster to take race line than going through the slow grass.

That first comment is a bit vague. No system is perfect and whatever system is used IU am sure the cheaters will find some way around it. But do you see any specific side effects?

As far as difficulty in coding I don’t know. But I do know that other racing games have had two approaches that when combined and tweaked result in what I suggest.

Various games have had corner cutting warnings. Some games have had those warnings no matter why or how you cut the corner. I think the MotoGP games are an example of corner cutting rules as well as Gran Turismo.

Others have had a penalty system that tries to apportion blame. It has not been perfect but I think that logic could be tweaked to help with my suggestion. F1 games have had examples of this.

EDIT: my suggestion is for racing not hotlapping.

How about if you short cut, the next time by the pits you automatically serve a drive thru?
Get anywhere near pit in and get sucked in.

The only people that wouldn’t quit the room is those who stay on the track.
That would sake up the leaderboard and probably sake up a bunch of people too!

EDIT: You could do the same thing for contact. If you hit somebody that was avoidable it is a trip through pit road.

age old question this one.

Time penalties dont work to stop it in hotlapping. It becomes who can get through without picking up the most amount of time. (see FM2 - redtime)

Sticky grass works, but can cause adverse effects (ie, pileups).

I think maybe a combination of less sticky grass so you can move off the track a bit more, combined with a 3 - 5 second engine kill switch would stop corner cutters in races dead in their tracks.

there is no one great solution.