That’s how I feel with FH4 ATM!
My garage is full, which includes approx 50+ cars won from wheel spins that I need to put on the AH.
I also have 10+ unsold cars in AH already, which cannot be returned due to the garage being full.
My auction limit has been used up for the day, so I cannot offload anything to make room at present.
I suppose I could trash/remove more cars from my garage, but I have reluctantly trashed 20+ low-value cars (Austins, Abarths, VWs, MX5s etc) received from regular wheel spins today and begrudge trashing any more, when I could get some credits back from them.
Cannot even use the 9+ wheel spins that I’ve accumulated today as I need at least one space before I can spin!
As I have completed everything in Great Britain, Fortune Island, Seasonal Events and 77/99 Achievements.
All I have ATM is the hourly “Forzathon Live” to wait on, which is a bit of a pain, due to there being nothing worth while in the “Forzathon Shop” and currently have 2300+ points banked and CR105m in the bank and unable to even spend any of that! LOL.
All could be relieved if only there was room for all available in-game cars + 50%.
That would suit the collectors/hoarders like myself and leave a little room for manoeuvre!