I just deleted several 100k’s worth of cars from my garage and it was one of the most delightful things l’ve done in FH3 recently.
I had over 200 cars from maybe half of which l had bought. The game throws so many cars at you that are worth peanuts, if that, in the AH. I have over 15 mil so l dont really need to hold on to cars in hopes of a 15k sale. It feels dumb to delete a Ferrari California T but having a garage lineup of only the cars you want is definitely worth it to me. Makes it exciting to see that Cali T in the streets too when l don’t just have one collecting virtual dust myself.
Don’t be afraid of that “Remove from garage” button
The remove button is just evil…i prefer to auction them and if they dont sell i just dont reclaim them and let the AH store them for me…that way if i need one for a forzathon i dont have to buy it.
Either way i agree on a tidy garage.
Does anyone know if the unclaimed cars eventually get taken back or can i leave them there indefinately ?
Sadly, the minimum bid and bin prices don’t work backwards (opposite of how storefront statuses work). The minimum bid and buyout are locked values calculated from some percentage of the car’s Autoshow value (Horizon Editions are minimum 5.5m buyout and 200k bid).
I have removed several RSX’s from my garage. Around eight in the past month or so. Shockingly, they were all from wheelspins. I try to keep at least one of each car that has a decent Autoshow value (just in case I happen to win it by some chance). Half of the Autoshow value is better than nothing (for everything except cars that net less than 10k, Autoshow or Auction House).
If I find that the car doesn’t sell well in the Auction House and it doesn’t hold much value, I’ll just get rid of it. That metal crumpling sound would be a nice reward instead of just the stock click sound, a loading dialog (y tho?), and -1 car.
I havent played Forza for a few months - and my garage is bit of mess, i got few barn find some i dont need or dont fit in my collection. I wish there was way to get rid of them but only via auction. As i always see the same barn car finds in auction and you dont get much for them.