Constant sound hitching [PC] (Separate bug from crackle/static)

While playing the game or in the menus, the sound stutters frequently. It detracts from the experience at an unplayable level because it happens so often. I’ve tried to fix it to no avail and have seen a few others have the same problem. (This is unrelated to the audio buzzing issue where you fix it by changing the audio quality)

Im getting the same issue aswell. Started playing 1hr ago and while driving or cut scenes the audio will stutter and it will do it a lot.

EDIT i reset my PC as its been on a few days and it seems to have fixed this issue so atm im not getting any stutter anymore and im loving this game.

Hey i am facing a similar issue

What do you mean by reset your PC ? Wiped everything and reinstalled windows 10 ? Or restored a older reset point ?

I have to bump this, I keep seeing people on these forums and reddit getting lost in the wake of the audio crackling bug. This is an entirely different issue.

I’m having the same issue, I looked at the support page and didn’t see a FAQ entry for this. I’m going to create a support ticket.

Anyone here found a solution?

I am too having this problem, and cannot play due to how annoying it has become.

ryzen r5 2600, rx480, 16gig 2133 ram.

Same problem here… It really is making the game unplayable because it occurs so often, but is definitely separate from that buzzing problems others had that was fixed by changing the audio quality setting.

My specs: i5 2500k, 1080 Ti, 8gb ram, Creative Soundblaster Z

No such crackles in other games or audio programs.

I’ve got the same problem, it even occurs in the menu.
FX 8350
RX 580 8GB

How it sounds for me

MSI X370 Gaming Pro Carbon
AMD Ryzen 5 1600
Sound device(s): Teufel Concept C 2.1 // Logitech G933 (happens on both devices)

I found that resetting my computer and launching FH4 before any other programs usually fixes it.

After zero response from Forza support, I think I have a solution to the skipping issue. I noticed the benchmark was trying to us 9gb out of my available 8gb ram. I tried the lowest settings possible and nothing helped. I then disabled RamCache, and the issue went right away. It seems like the issue was related to the music streaming from ram, and ramcache was storing it on the SSD or HDD where it wasn’t reading fast enough. If you have a ram caching program installed, try disabling it

Now to FINALLY start playing this game

I downloaded this on XBOX 1 last night i am having this sound stutter issue… game is unplayable… =(

So I did a hard reset of my XBOX console and reinstalled the game and its working fine now.

I had a similar issue on my XBOX console, a hard reset of the console and reinstall of Forza Horizon 4 fixed it…
yes i lost all my games… but audio problems all went away and I can re download the games =)

Sound stuttering occurrs on my Xbox One S intermittently. I am outputting Dolby Atmos. Things are really bad if I attempt to stream the game using mixer, including the game hanging for a second or two regularly, as well as the stuttering!

Same issue. Thought I had fixed it by disabling hyperthreading but no such luck.

Core i7 2600k @ 4.2 ghz
16gb Corsair 2133
Asrock P67
Msi armour rx580 8gb

I may have found a solution and problem all in 1. Basically restarting your PC temporarily makes the stuttering go away but after long sessions it comes back. I belive it to be a cache problem as it happens only after the computer has been running for a while. I’ve tryed clearing my %temp% and prefetch files and it helps for about 30 minutes. Very annoying but I believe the game is terrible at storing cached data and thus hurts the performance of the game. But since we have such powerful machines it picks up that slack. The audio stutter is lack of a sound card picking up the audio slack. That’s my best guess at it. Hopefully the devs notice and fix this bud asap. But restarting and clearing %temp% and prefetch files helps. (clean the files by right clicking the windows icon in the bottom left and hitting run and type in %temp% and prefetch. Delete all files in those folders)

Got some weird audio issues as of today where sometimes the sound of me drifting or going fast (engine sound) persists for several seconds after that noise should no longer be there. It’s very awkward. On Xbox One X

Come on, please fix this… It’s unplayable

I just wanted to bump this topic because I’m still having this issue. The game literally gives me headaches at this point because of how bad the hitching of the audio is. I filed a support ticket and was told they were “looking into it” for me. I feel I’ve been lied to and this isn’t actually the case. It’s been several months since the game released and if anything the hitching has gotten worse. I fear it’s something they have no intention of fixing but don’t want to come out and say that. It’s super disappointing because Forza Horizon 3 also suffered a ton of issues that were never fixed on PC and I couldn’t even really play that game because of them.