Cockpit and Camera shake

Having just popped in SHIFT 2 Unleashed I come to realize that Forza could use some more tweaks to be more immersive than just a graphical upgrade. The cockpit view in Forza still feels like I’m floating as opposed to being in the car like in SHIFT 2. I can literally feel the road in SHIFT 2 as I drive on it as the camera shakes wildly as I throw the car over bumps and turns. I’m not entirely sure the cockpit head turning thing needs to be incorporated but a level of Camera shake and road jitter is missing from Forza.

Forza does have some shake. It just isn’t as obvious as in Sh… I can’t call it what I wanted to call it because I would get moderated, but I like to leave out the “F” because it’s more appropriate for that title. Bouncing cameras are more disorienting for a player watching the image on their screen bouncing around than it is when it’s your head bouncing in a real car, so while a nifty artistic effect this would actually be a strike against Forza if it were to do what you’re wanting. If the Shift-like bouncing camera was to appear as an option, I’d probably turn it off, unless I had an option to leave it where Forza presently has it, in which case I’d leave it there.

wishlist thread

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I do remember reading an interview (I don’t remember the source and my memory is not good) that FM5 (and 4) has the shakes but had to be toned down because it’s just the car that’s shaking/moving while most of the drivers would be stationary in their seats. Therefore the screenshakes, while being realistic, would appear very annoying and hard on your eyes.

There’s a difference between seeing it through the driver’s eyes and seeing it through some Go-Pro fitted to the crash helmet.
Shift’s camera emphasizes on the latter, while Forza’s is more focused on what the driver sees. My eyes aren’t jumping up and down when I’m racing IRL, but at times when I’ve had a Go-Pro on, the video gets all shaky and bumpy. I prefer Forza’s camera. Shift just makes everything more dramatic…there’s nothing dramatic about driving a VW Beetle around the TG Test Track.