I thought the whole point of the exterminator is to challenge people to races?
Well, as video attached that is not what happened, would you say this is cheating or just being a dirty player?
By time had realised what just happened the person was already going so quit the game mode and went back to Home Screen.
I don’t think I will bother for the achievements. Had spent 5 minutes just trying to find a car just to be knocked out and done over dirty on my 2nd game lol. The mode is quite boring but just like to hunt for achievements, but I won’t hunt for achievements if the game mode is 1) boring and 2) full of dirty players or cheats because it’s a multiplayer mode.
I have no idea what you’re referring to.
And it’s Eliminator.
Look at the video, it says “press X” to change car. But suddenly I was in a race because the person challenged me, but I didn’t accept, they are just taking advantage of bugs (exploiting.) the game didn’t ask if I wanted to challenge. The player knew exactly what they were doing.
And sorry for being a new player who doesn’t really care too much as I won’t be playing again. I just wanted to call this out to the forum, and the reason why new players won’t return:
You don’t have to accept, that’s not a thing
Well the game mode sucks then no wonder no one plays it other than a few sweat lords.
I am on a level 1 car and they are on a level 5. They knew exactly what they did and just playing dirty then. I 100% will not be wasting my time with this.
This is one strategy. Drive around and look for high level car drops. Try to avoid challenging or being challenged. It works for me and I can usually end up in the final showdown. Wherever it indicates the other drivers are drive in the other direction. Drive around the circle and look for higher level drops. Of course people in a higher level will challenge you if they see you to up their level even further. You have no choice there is no accepting whether you challenge them or they challenge you. They may hang out by a drop and pounce on you when you try to obtain it. Be cautious. Just because they have a higher level car doesn’t mean you can’t beat them. They may hit a tree, a building, flip over etc… Do not drive in a straight line for too long. There will always be some obstacle. Don’t give up, you never know. That being said is very hard to win the whole thing. I only have a few times. People also may know the map extremely well. It takes time.
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…it’s a battle royale game mode. This is how every battle royale game out there works. They don’t require mutual permission for two players to face off, and they don’t ensure that both players are on equal footing beforehand. If you’re not into that, that’s fine, but it seems silly to criticize the game mode for working exactly how it’s supposed to.
Oh dear me. By all means, you should not play the Eliminator with this sort of attitude. It’s a battle royal, go-after-everyone, ramming-allowed-anywhere type of game. It is definitely not your cup of tea…
This person speaks truth…
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