Cars - Delorean DMC-12 BTTF Universal Car Pack - Lighting FX Issue

Greetings! Delorean DMC-12 BTTF version must have lighting FX at 88MPH, but it doesnt work properly in my game.
On screenshots it shows, that lighting fx working from the back view, but in the side view it don’t.


I do some test and in my case this lighting FX works only with MSAA antialiasing. It dont work with any other antialiasing that presence in game (TAA, DLAA, DLSS or any other)

I hope this issue gets attention of developers as soon as possible!

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Can you show the pics of the car at night, it might make it easier to see what’s going on. Just throwing this out there.


Sure! Morning is OK?

First With DLSS Quality

With MSAA 4x



Is anyone else able to recreate this in game? Perhaps another video or screenshot posted as well,

Thank you,