Car lighting broken, update 12

Xbox series x, 60fps mode, update 12

Car lighting seems to be broken. External lights does not actually appear to do anything to car lighting. It just receives static light and reflection from environment cubemap. No wonder why cars look so out of place in some situations…

In pictures, left side is car in dark area, right one is in bright area which is seen in left side image around 300ft front of the car…

Race setting here:

Hello @Jogimus . Please try performance RT.

Actually it was already Perf RT, I’ll check plain perf mode… should not be any different IMO…

No difference between Perf or Perf RT
However… it looks like conflict is created between Time of day and Weather.

Time of day Sunset and Weather Tunderclouds create situation where track lights light track but not the car.

Sunset and Clear weather → track lights do not have much power so they do not light track or car much, if at all…

Midnight and clear weather track lights light track AND the car “normally”.

Here is midnight & clear weather: