Greetings. Hopefully this post is in the right spot.
I use a Logitech G923 for Horizon 5. I also recently got the new Motorsport.
At first, the cars felt largely the same between the two games, and considering that Motorsport is supposed to be more SIM like, I was not really sure about it all till I found this setting in each car’s tuning menu in Motorsport:
As you can see, I maxed this out, and now the game feels more SIM like, steering is actually heavy like a real car and thus: feeling as it should makes it more intuitive for me to control based on my actual experience in a real car.
…keep in mind, other than tuning on Simulation, I left all the other wheel settings in game untouched except just for this thing.
When I see feedback about Horizon’s wheel support, one critique I often see, and one I share myself is: Handling on all cars feels disconnected, soft, and imprecise on a wheel. it is exactly what FM felt like till I maxed this setting (YMMV). Point is, this one thing I think would really send Horizon over the top for me all other things considered. I’m sure there may be things in the more advanced physics in FM that keeps us from integrating something like this here, maybe not. All we can do is ask.
This is pretty much the one real critique I have myself with wheel support in the game all things considered for what the game is. Yes I use it fine, I’ve done just about everything, no issues. Its just a feel thing, and nothing in this game has heavy enough steering no matter how I try to set the wheel to make it so, other than setting caster to 7.0 which is not a fix… that just means I’m turning my wheels more than I need to and I’m scrubbing my speed.
I’d love to see this added to Horizon if it could be at all, and if not FH5, then please lets try to put it in FH6.
Thank You, Everyone!
Happy Cruising!