Help with Wheel (Logitech G920)

So I’ve been playing with my wheel for almost a week now and could possibly use some advice for FH3. I can seem to play FM6 just fine with a wheel with no problem, but when I go play Horizon, it’s the hardest damn thing ever and I don’t know why. I’ve messed around with the advanced settings to find what would work best, but it’s still ridiculously difficult. I can only drive AWD with a wheel it seems. I been practicing with RWD and I would even do it with my controller with general telemetry up to see my throttle response with the trigger as a reference for my pedals. You’d think FM would be harder than FH, but that doesn’t seem to be the case for me. If any wheel users have any advice, my ears are open to any opinion.

You wouldnt happen to have simulation steering on by any chance I tried using it with my g920 and it made 90% of the cars I use spin all over the place. Also I’ve noticed it feels 100x better if you turn off rumble and vibration and adjust the setting called force feedback understeer between 0-10.