Nope still doesn’t work
It’s working for me… I made my last car yesterday a Giulia Quadrifoglio in FH5 and import without problems in FM…
Glad you were able to get them transferred. Some of us still are having no luck.
To hopefully get the ball rolling:
Platform: Windows PC
Edition: Premium
Account: Solo Account
PC GPU: MSI Radeon RX 5500 XT, AMD Windows Driver Version
Peripheral: Xbox One S Controller
Settings: RT is off, Car quality on Ultra, Reflections on Low, everything else is Auto
Xbox Settings: Default settings
Attempted fixes: Created Support Ticket and was told it was a known issue.
Content Update: At the release of the game I was able to sync only vinyl groups, but not liveries. Perhaps after the first or second update, I could not sync FH5 vinyl groups either. Prior games do sync.
Did you made your decals yourself or you’re using FH5’s community decals?
100% homemade
I play the game on Series X…
That explain this, because FM won’t allow sharing liveries made with community’s decals. I think FH5’s community decals are affected by this too.
[Not %100 sure though]
Bumping this, still an issue in Update 8, can’t sync liveries or decals from FH5. Been an issue for 7 months / 216 days and counting.
Im not surprised
Bumping this, still an issue in Update 8, can’t sync liveries or decals from FH5 (MS PC). Been an issue for 7 months / 216 days and counting.
Just purchased the game today. Sad to discover this bug has been around since release and no fix.
And pretty sure after this update its still broken
Correct. Been an issue for 8 months or 244 days and counting.
Although this patch was a smaller one… maybe U10 might bring some hope, if it’s a bigger one?
EDIT: IT’S BEEN ACKNOWLEDGED YAAAAAAAY now I am hopeful it’s getting fixed soon
Please dont lie ? Has really been acknowledged
Ok so they know its a problem but its only on steam i got my through Microsoft store ?
Mines from MS Store as well, I don’t know if this problem affects the Steam version, but I can assume so. Anyway, it’s been logged and under Known Issues, so it’ll get fixed at some point (hopefully sooner than later!)
i hope so but if not i’m will be really upset because that means i have redo and more livery’s for my series and that’s months of work i’ve made 42 cars total for my nascar series and thats chevy camaros not ford or Toyota or dodge which i had to redo the chevy any becueas you can’t paint the hood of the car on 17 or 18 models only 16 models let me do that
There is a post which describes the failed import from pervious Forza titles on Steam, but the issue is also present in the Xbox Store Edition on PC. Specifically liveries and vinyl groups from Forza Horizon 5 are not possible to import into Motorsport. The following error message appears (as of the time of this post):
The prior post for this same issue was closed and the issue still persists.
The issue still persists after Update 11.
For me I think it’s the number of slots a/v for liveries & groups you have on FH5 is far greater than what is allowed on FM.
I had trouble at the start in October with layer groups not importing but no trouble with full liveries. It wasn’t failing to sync but came up with an immediate message saying you have “too many file saves of this type” which was confusing as FM was a brand new game at the time. Turned out it was saying that because FH5 had more total file saves than FM would allow & stopped the process before it could start. I grouped a load of decals together & deleted tons to free up space & then I could import to FM.
FF to now after the latest update, I thought everything was good, the layer shifting & rotating bug was fixed so I could finally paint again. Then I tried to import a full livery…“you have too many file saves of this type” groan. Since I last painted on FM last yr I have done approx 40 liveries on FH5 so it appears I have now surpassed that limit so I now have to delete a bunch of liveries on FH5 to allow import again.
What a mess.