I just bought this game but it is unplayable, the framerate looks so low it is like a 24fps movie doing an action scene…
I just hate it, Forza 5 was so smooth and nice, I want the option to sacrifice graphics for frame rate please! I’m gonna be taking this game back until then… I dunno who thought it was a good idea to run a fast paced racing game at such a low FPS…
Such a shame.
Give you 60 FPS and do what with all of those resources that ate up 30 FPS in the first place?
I guess if it could be done it would of been done
I’d take stable 30FPS over erratic 60FPS any day, and yes…they would have done it if it was possible.
Dont know about others, but it took me about 15 minutes to get used to the lower FPS and since then i don’t even realize the difference anymore.
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Seriously? You think they can simply add it like a patch? Dude seriously? This is not PC. It itd been possible itd been done
Excuse me Sir, could you please pass me the Caviar and Grey Po-pom(sp?), and while you;re up can you address this awful frame rate. It’s just killing my eye’s…
The industry is well aware that consumers want 60fps. The issue is what they’re willing to trade off for it, because not all things are possible at the same time.
I haven’t seen anyone complain that the frame rate in FH2 is a problem. It’s possible that you’re experiencing some other issue. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the game. If that doesn’t work, report the issue in the sticky thread at the top of the forum or email forzafb@microsoft.com