Horizon 2 frame rate

It is a question to the devs or whoever knows, as it uses the same engine of Forza 5, will it run at superb locked 60fps as well?

Please to say yes!!


As of now we don’t know yet, surely in the days to come we will find out about that information.

If anything my guess will be either 1080p @ 30fps with good AA.

I am thinking this as well. From how the game has been described so far, there just seems to be too much eye candy for this one to hit 60 FPS on the Xbox One.

Yeah at this point i dont want jaggies so if that means the Xbone cant handle 1080p/60fps without decent AA then i’d take AA over 60fps. Was fine for Horizon first time round.

I swear to God. Please make the 360 version 30 FPS and the X1 version 60 FPS. I don’t care if it’s 798p, I just want a smooth framerate when playing Forza. The framerate was a great turnoff with the first Horizon and it made the whole game feel sort of “fake”.

According to the screenshots, they look 720P to me.
They could go with 720P + 60fps or 1080P + 30fps on Xbox One. The worst possible scenario would be 720P + 30fps, but that would not bother me for this type of game and scale.

FPS over resolution. I’m expecting 60FPS @ 720Res<

No chance it will be 720p, The 360 version will be but not the Xbone. Surprised no one has mentioned 900p/60fps with good AA…I’d take that over 1080p/30fps

Most importantly though i dont want any jaggies as Forza 5 hurts my eyes!

I found the stable 30fps in the original Forza Horizon much less objectionable than many other 30fps racing games, not sure why. That said I’d love to see 60fps in Horizon 2 on the XBone and don’t care if they drop it down from 1080p a bit to achieve that.

It is 30fps confirmed here

Thank you TURN 10 for ignoring this board, giving IGN priority over your comunity and making it 30fps. Now Driveclub does have an edge and I bet FH2 won’t even have AA.

Made my hype go down, a lot.

Driveclub is 30fps and tbh looks bland as hell, Horizon 2 will be far better than it. Of course it will have great AA due to being 30fps…I’d put my house on it looking incredible compared to Forza 5.

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It better have, half of the frames being done it has to be, the ONLY thing I do HATE on FM5 is the lack of Anti Aliasing. It breaks the game for me, the track lines look all messed up, they must fix that on FH2, and they can.

Welcome back to reality. Compromises happen, don’t act so surprised. This won’t be the first.

The first Horizon never bothered me being 30FPS and I’m sure it won’t bother me in Horizon 2. With everything they are doing in this game, it’s great to see they were about to have it at 1080p and locked 30fps.

@30fps and 1080p is what i was hoping for good job !

FH 1 did not look that bad to me,i will take 1080 with 30 fps locked any day.

30fps, 60fps, hardly any real difference.

30fps in the first Horizon was good anyway, I will never get the complaints over FPS. I have never noticed any difference between the two anyway. Considering we have rain now, I will gladly take 30fps and weather, and day and night. than have 60fps and nothing.


Come on, VerrucktSchakal, surely you’ve noticed the vehicle mirrors running at 30 frames per second in the Forza Motorsport titles and observed the significant difference between it and the gameplay itself, right? There is a difference.

I don’t use incar view at all. So no, I wouldn’t notice that. And truly, FPS isn’t all that important to me.

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I guess fps don’t matter to us old grumpy guys V man,i’m with you!

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