Can anyone explain to me the meaning of these penalties?

I ran four races today and whoever rammed me or touched me behind to send me into a spin did not take a penalty, while I took a 4.50 second penalty with these two touches.

The update increases penalties for accidental touches and not for those who continue to ruin races for clean drivers. Turn 10 are getting it all wrong.


I just watch a guy come in hot after the long VIR full straight.

Cut the entire corner, .3 pen
Next lap I’m ahead, I’m hugging the left outside late braking to stay ahead.
Doesn’t even touch the brakes. Buddy cuts right, spears another car, both leaves the track. 3.8 pen

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The first penalty was deserved, as stated it was avoidable. The other driver should’ve gotten the same penalty. You should’ve been more careful at overtaking and given more space for the rejoining car, while the other driver should’ve been more careful, rejoining over aggressive curbs is always sketchy.

The second incident should’ve been no penalties for anyone. You could’ve taken a tighter line, while the other driver should’ve reacted faster and not continued on the ideal line. But nobody was taken out, and you still passed him. Racing incident.


“Avoidable Overtake” sounds like a joke.

Driving carefully does not seem to pay off in this game.I am careful to the point of losing places.Doesnt help me at all though because whenever I get rammed from behind,rammed and spun around or rammed into a wall,I am getting the penalty,normally in excess of 4 seconds.This making carrying on almost pointless ,because of such a large penalty and the fact that I am now way behind.Trying to drive aggressively and lightly touching the car next to you also doesn’t work.It attracts,in most cases,a penalty,and then warnings to drive carefully.It also ignites unhinged players who now think you don’t respect them and now you are a ram target.This is a mess and I have even stopped qualifying,because being near the front makes you a ram target ,especially in the first corner.This unfairness also creates matchmaking that puts me with serial rammers because my safety rating is screwed.Thinking of grabbing a copy of GT7 and borrowing a PS5 to see if more fun can be had there without the unfairness.At wits end with the frustration .

Wall of text AND no spaces after periods.


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Both of these are your fault btw.

You just ignored the guy rejoining in the first clip, and in the second clip you just dive bombed the corner.

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I can understand the first penalty. But does an ‘avoidable overtake’ make sense when a driver goes off the track and jumps back in (slowed down) without looking?
In the second overtake I tried to avoid him and I had to jump straight in and I was ahead, he tied to make the turn like no one was inside.
Anyway I am in safety class S and with 4973 skill points. I am a clean player but after this update I get more absurd penalties (a wheel slightly off the kerb sometimes costs me 1 second penalty, while someone who knocks me off the track gets 0.30 seconds after ruining my race).

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In the first clip, the car rejoining the race should have yielded to on-track traffic. Plain and simple. That car was behind the car it hit. Totally the fault of the car rejoining the track.

Second clip. Clean overtake. Flagrant hit on the overtaken car. Should have been a penalty and a pit drive through. If not a DQ for the race.

T10 owes it to the players to get this garbage sorted out. And the players need to start calling it for what it really is and stop making excuses for sloppy driving.


It’s simple: the penalty system work for dirty players. If you know how do play in a race game you are going to get rammed, divebombed, hit by car rejoining the track and the like. Safty rating is not working. Skill rating is done poorly and still not work. I’m at 9972 skill rate: not on top of the crow but not so bad either. Yesterday evening I joined the Miata lobby and it was a total mess: half lobby was unable to keep a dam D class car who is very easy to drive on the track. Tons of bad cornering, tons of traction lost, total noncare about others car.
I did another test: called my daughter, who is 10 years old, put the joypad on since she is too short to use the pedals of my setup, and she could keep the car on track with easy with just the abs and traction on sport. We are dealing with player base of ret*rds and the skillrating is not working as well: I can’t be pair with players who can’t keep a D class Miata on track.

Had my first experience with MP today and out of the seven odd races everyone played clean and it was enjoyable, thought it was going to be chaos having a starters ranking but nope, good clean stuff.

I’m sure that if I play long enough there will be some fools but overall the ghosting worked for 9 out of 10 major crashes that were driver error and had one that came in too hot and caused me to wipe out but I could tell it wasn’t intentional as they got back to racing and all was good

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Pop them in here if you haven’t already.

First incident is harsh but from the game’s perspective you collided into them at higher speed and sideswiped them off the track. Subjectively, you didn’t give them enough room to rejoin, and they didn’t rejoin at a safe time/angle. However you had a better view of what was going to happen and probably should have made a different call in that scenario.

Second one again collided with the other car while travelling at a higher speed. It’s subjective whether that should be a penalty or not but my guess is the game logic is “this car entered at too high a speed and collided with the other car, therefore penalty”.

Subjectively doesn’t matter. It is the responsibility of the car rejoining the track to rejoin safely. If the car rejoining the track hits another car while doing so or shortly after or does so in a way that impedes a car on the track the car rejoining should be penalized. This is how every race series works.

In this case neither should have been penalized but if the game were to be set to issue a penalty for this incident then it should have been the car on the outside that should have been penalized. The reason behind this is that they were the trailing car entering the turn and they were provided more than enough room on the outside of the turn to complete it safely. Again this is how all the racing series work.

Side note. “Avoidable Overtake” aren’t they all?

the penalty system is only there to punish the people who take the racing seriously.

you think the guy whos wrecking everyone cares about penalty time, not at all, most of the time, he will quit before the race is over…

funny though, we have never needed a penalty system till this forza…
really tells you everything you need to know about the current player base.

Putting the game on gamepass was the worst possible choice. In Assetto Corsa Competizione I can tell that 90% of the collision are driver’s errors. In FM players just ram for fun.

The second clip was on you mate, you divebombed and understeered into the front car.

The first one I agree with though.

Funny… I saw someone whose gamertag looks like yours in a Featured Multiplayer lobby just last week doing exactly what you just described - wrecking out 2 cars and then immediately quitting the race:


That was more of a skill issue, not really intentional. I would quit too if i drove like that.

because it is him

What a twist!

It’s possible however that operator is just from a parallel universe and got here less then a week ago