C class Fun

Hi there I was wondering if anyone could create a tune for a c class car for me. On forza 5 there was a tune for the vw beetle that gave it around 9.5 acceleration and great handling. I’m not fussed about top speed it’s just to challenge myself online so if anyone could make a tune for a car similar to that it would be incredible


With aero or not?
Tuned for manual with clutch or without?
Understeery, oversteery or balanced?
Your preferred brake pressure?

I could give it a try.

Just something with mad acceleration I’ve got a beetle up to 8 acceleration does ok but anything with faster acceleration preferably:
I tend to play automatic but can try manual if that’s easier without clutch
And the other 2 I don’t know which ever makes it easier for you

Aprrecuate the help

AWD isn’t really working because the PI-system prevents “rocketships”. I’ve made a RWD Beetle with 8.1 acc which would convert into 8.4 as AWD and a A-class rating. It’s tricky to drive and manual shifting is highly advised because you need to keep the revs high, but it performs pretty well on C-class.

Also I’ve build a Subaru 360 in RWD with 8.2 acc which would convert into 8.5 as AWD. This thing grips a lot better than the Beetle and goes like hell. Manual shifting also recommended. You can find both under may gamer-tag (same as here). For details just hit me up via Xbox.

Thanks very much I’ll try both out