Bugged Trial Event?

Hello, I have recently done the Trial Event titled “Cheeky Lambos” and had won both races but I haven’t received any Super Wheelspins? Any help or pointers? The objective of the race is: “Place 1st against highly skilled Drivatars”. I’ve came 1st in both races (even in the same championship) so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks plenty in advance!

Edit: Playing on Xbox and posted in the wrong sub-forum, sorry

From what I have played the super wheelspins are always for winning against expert drivatars.

I race with pro drivatars and I thought the Difficulty would change for something like that.

Its pro for solo and highest for koop.
Rewards only worked for solo for me, koop was pretty random. Sometimes i got superwheelspin for losing, sometimes i won and got nothing.

It also says to be first in a race - not championship. But still, could not figure out why i got the rewards or not.