"Cheeky Lambo's" Not completing No rewards

So I’ve fully done this 2x now after doing this for 3+ hours. I solo qued at first but kept coming in first but teammates kept losing. So I find a group of people (5 all together) and get it done 2x. The first time my drivitar settings were set on 1 higher than “highly skilled” and we won both of the races, had all of us lined up dancing and stuff, etc. That time the 6th person backed out after the first race. No super wheelspin. Did both races again, won both, this time with my difficulty on “highly skilled” and no super wheelspin. This time the 6th person stayed. After neither time did the banner say "co-op championship completed, it said co-op championship available. So, what’s the problem? I spent more than 3 hours doing this over and over again but no super wheelspin. I am extremely furious and trying really hard not to cuss or make a fool out of myself so this needs to be fixed and I need my super wheelspin asap.

Yeah this needs some bigger Attention… I already “lost” like you so many hours trying to complete this…

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Thanks KingLoui. Yea it’s really annoying. I know it’s just a wheelspin or whatever but its bothering me. Especially since I’ve spent so much time and actually done it 2x

No help? Noone knows what the problem is?

Same issue on PC, plus have crashed twice between races on the menu, maybe that’s why so many people disappear for the second race…