Bad tuners ruin the game

Now before you read this i want to warn you that i might have one or two spelling mistakes, i say this because people can get really triggered and start being a total jerk for no reason. Anyways my biggest most annoying thing i see in Forza horizon 3 is that all the time i see bad tunes. I myself have a rank of semi-pro tuner and have over 1250 tune downloads. When i create a really nice tune and gets a lot of downloads. Maybe 100-200. Now when i go on to the other tunes that people have posted i see a ton of bad tunes with no downloads and they are 1-2 months old. That is really annoying because my tune could be their in replace of the people who had no idea what they are doing. Also 100-200 downloads is nothing compared to how many people have bought that car when its trending. My way to fix this is to once a month, have all the tunes that are one month old and have less then 3 stars be deleted from the store front. This should leave room for people who know how a car works and the best tunes available. I personally check all of my tunes once a month and delete them if they are not as good as they can be. I am always re-tuning my cars to see if they can be better. My message is if you can’t tune, don’t take away from everyone else. Also this can prevent scamming because people can spend up to 100,000 credits on bad tunes and waste their credits. Call me selfish, but its true.


I understand your issue but don’t agree with your solution.

I have tunes with less than 3 stars that have set #1 times (not current #1s but have been in the past).

There are also tunes that have been deliberately 5 starred that are garbage.

What they should do is give us the sortability we have had in some previous Forza games.

In FM4 I think it was we could sort by star rating or most recent for example. Both of which is quite handy.

If you want to get your tunes seen and used post about them in the tuning forum.


yeah but most bad tunes have 1 star. This still doesn’t help them avoid bad tunes as good tunes are hard to find with the 1 star tunes

That won’t work, here’s why:

Let’s say I was a average joe who wants to get into tuning but has no experience whatsoever, having my tunes deleted every (insert number of months) would be discerning for me because I could possibly be the best tuner ever but I get swept under the rug because i’m new. Then the Tuning “Marketplace” would be filled with tunes from 2-3 guys which could lead to two things, the tuning "marketplace would get stale after seeing the same 2-3 guys for the last 3 months in a row or it would work backwards then we would be seeing “BST WEELNG TUNE EVR” and “100000000MPH” tunes that flush out all the good tunes and cause those guys (who post the good tunes, like you claim to be) to shy away from tuning.

Honestly I think the system is perfect, the tunes change everytime I go in to look for tunes.

EDIT: Ninja’d


Oh so i’m going to waste 100,000 credits because you are new and cant tune.

can you link me to the tuning form?

Why would YOU be wasting 100,000 credits to begin with if you are such an amazing tuner

You cant tell people what to spend their credits on just because they are not buying yours

Here’s the link to the tuners garage

Was not hard to find


well before i started tuning i would buy tunes all the time to find out their really bad and i just wasted that money. Also i don’t do drifting and don’t have too much experience with wheelie or drag tunes. This is when i go out and search for good tunes to buy. I make super car tunes and i really spend time testing my tunes and that is why within a month or 2, i have sold over 1,250 tunes. Also i’m saying that because i don’t want people to waste money on bad tunes.

I don’t think anyone is getting ‘triggered’ by your spelling mistakes.



Sooo… you start a post pretty much asking for a nice discussion and expecting people to respectfully respond and then you post such an inflammatory comment? Well done sir…

I completely disagree with your entire thought process for 1 simple reason: a tune with no stars or downloads is NOT automatically a bad tune. What a ridiculous assumption to make.

I have tuned plenty of cars and have had great feedback from quality drivers who have used them. However, because my GT is relatively unknown I don’t get a lot of downloads for those tunes. This results in lower star rating because stars only come from downloads and likes. Does this make my tunes bad and worthy of removal? Of course it doesn’t.

If you want your tunes to be more downloaded then go post in the tuning forum. If people like your tunes they will follow you as a creator and download even more tunes as you make them.


Your tune is not known because of terrible tunes blocking yours from being seen. Also i think if no one buys your tune for over a month, its most likely not that good. Oh hey buy my car. It hasn’t sold for 1 year and you cant see the car in till you buy it. Don’t assume its bad though. also i have problem with the GT tunes here too, i think that since not that many people can afford a 400,000 dollar car and the game is new to people who bought it around Christmas that it goes unknown.

I’m 99.9% sure that uses get factored in too. The only explanation for my Tuner rank hitting elite at 3100 downloads and not 5000 is if uses are factored in. As for likes, I only remember 2. Nobody seems to go through the trouble of finding the like option. Why do they automatically ask for paint likes and not tunes?


It’s a game for everyone, not just a few who think there’re somehow special.


never said i was special. i am saying that their is a decent community of tuners, but their work is covered up by people who cant tune and just want money. I am trying to speak for everyone. Sorry if i come across as trying to be the one and only. maybe i drew this conclusion when i couldn’t find any other good tunes out their for relatively popular cars, further proving my point.

Agree there should be a sort. Not just by class but by popularity, and date. It be nice to see with or without Rally/snow tires too.

Not sure about the proposed solutions. I’m not the best tuner by any means. I’m more a shopper. But if I tuned something I’m not going to be revisiting it every three months.

I agree there are tunes that probably shouldn’t be shared and there seems to be a very random function as too which tunes are shown prior to searches.

I myself got around this by following tuners that I like so they almost always show up in my initial searches. So that’s my work around. I miss the FM4 way to search. But with the number of good tuners followed. I’m usually not hurting for good tunes/builds to try.

I think my way of getting rid of tunes is decent, tunes that don’t sell get deleted

How about being able to sort tunes that have been used to get times/scores in the top 1% thereby creating the option to not find those rubbish tunes?

Deleting them saves space.

Saves space on what? If they are filtered by how many top times/scores they have been used for on the storefront itself then there is no hard drive space being taken up so then you can download tunes that are useful to you, no space being taken up just your time finding a suitable tune.

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The best way is to run a tune into the top x% and then advertise on the forums.

Eventually you will have a following.

It is a tough market to break into but if the tunes are good and are advertised you will get a following.

Only issue is make sure you advertise the truth. I never say perfect balance, perfect handling or whatever. I simply say I ran tune x and track y and set time z. Not leaderboard position but the actual time.

If you say my tune is awesome and its garbage people won’t follow you. If you say I ran a 1.18.2 it can not be denied, they may still not like the tune but they know it can run a 1.18.2.


Don Joewon Song does it all the time and it hasn’t hurt his numbers.

The vast majority of his tunes are “BEST ___”, “PERFECT ___” etc.

His tunes are good, his use of semantics not so much :wink: