A question to all tuners

Does anybody else think that their download to uses ratio on tuning rewards is a bit out? I’m getting loads of downloads that don’t seem to turn into uses. Surely people aren’t just downloading tunes and then not using them?

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Yes, I’ve seen that as well…don’t know if that’s a glitch or people will download them, test them and if it fits their driving style they will take to hoppers, not sure if it only counts toward how many times they use them on mulitplayer and single mode.

Glad it’s not just me. This is the first forza when I’ve had a really high number of downloads, I just want them to turn into uses as I want the badges!

I just assumed my tunes were no good! Haha

I think people are downloading to get access to the build, then, put their own tune on it. I’ve seen a similar issue with my downloads. The most credits one could get is via the “Likes” and not the download or use of the tunes. I would prefer that folks that did like the tune did indeed do so, and not for the credits (which most of us have a ton), yet to know the response to the tune itself since downloads will not necessarily be a good measure of tune success.

My 2 cents!


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My chevy nova has uses but no downloads

i’ve noticed this ^ too ,must be a glitch i guess. That new interface is wrong imo

I have noticed this as well. I get downloads and likes but not a whole lot of uses. I have spent most of my time tuning and test driving through the tuning menu. Thus I am low on credits. I have recently started test driving using rivals as Dust2Death suggested to me. I haven’t played much lately due to work. Ill have to check if I can enter the tune menu when I pit in rivals as that would be so convenient. My early tunes compared to now could use some rework. I have not posted any of the improved ones. I have been continually improving since my last post in my tuning thread. Pretty sure I need to take em all down, finish retuning and I might get more uses.

could be that people are seeing you in a lobby and downloading the car but never applying it. or seeing you name on the leaderboard downloading the tune, and then not applying it. it isnt a very intuitive system the way it works. Even if you arent in the car there is no option to apply the tune, so im sure lots of people forget to go to the car and apply it.

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Most likely scenario . . .

Off topic of OP but, relates.
