Continuing the discussion from Festival Playlist events and rewards May 12-19 (Winter S7):
Is this the case ?
I’ve always found your tunes to be pretty useful at most things.
Do you agree ?
Continuing the discussion from Festival Playlist events and rewards May 12-19 (Winter S7):
Is this the case ?
I’ve always found your tunes to be pretty useful at most things.
Do you agree ?
I like them too.
Ven0m106 puts out some good tunes too.
I don’t do too bad at setting up tunes, but it’s just easier and quicker if you find a good tuner and just use theirs. Just remember to like the and favorite then so they get the credits.
Nice to continue this elsewhere. Don’t get me wrong I do use the tunes more general. I just said I thought Ugrundy doesn’t claim them to be among the very best under ‘all circumstances’ and that they are often made for a specific goal. That doesn’t make then not usable for other situations.
I strongly believe I don’t get beaten because of less good tunes, but lack of skills. Competing against people that is, not the Cheatatars.
Made a good few also that got quite a few downloads and likes in the past but it’s not something I get in to often.
OK - I hear Ya - but I still use them more than most. In FH4 used to have TennienteMM22 as another go to but he seems to be a bit removed from FH5 in tune uploads these days.
In FH5 ugrundy seems to build some pretty solid tunes.
As do I .
Good to know.
need to check out these Ven0m106 tunes though.
~Not been on my radar so far…
Cheers @AnakalaRon
For me I found it easier to learn how to tune than to find good tunes. But then I’m also picky about looks and using 4 lug wheels on 5+ lug cars let alone otherwise appropriate wheels and not having just gigantic rear wheels.
Ugrundy’s Corrado made easy work of the recent trailblazer for me, and if I’m feeling lazy about tuning and find a tuned car in the AH I’ll grab it.
It just seems this thread is on the edge of etiquette seeing afaik tuners are actual game players.
@AAORTA, I would generally agree that most tunes by Ugrundy can work, but IHMO, they are far from finely tuned. It’s very hard to be critical of another tuner without sounding like I’m bashing in order to make myself sound superior though. I will say that if you scrutinize the intricacies, he tends to upgrade with PI and popularity in mind vs. drivability. There is absolutely a difference. I can easily make changes to my tunes to make them more favored by Forza, but they aren’t better in any way. By “favorable”, I mean that I can tweak a tune to then click on “Search For Tunes”, and there will be no others in the same class that come up with better overall specs.
I’m not referring to any purpose-built tunes either, as it’d be unfair to compare/contrast those with any others besides the task in which it was built for. He has purpose-built several I used mostly in FH4 that I thought were great.
If you’re interested, try my tune in the A-Class Ford GT '05 on any surface, or the A-Class 2017 F-150 Raptor in Cross Country, or for S-1 Road or Street, either my Ascari or my Acura R390. I’d love to hear feedback comparing my tunes in any of these to Ugrundys. If you do try it, I hope it suits you. If you don’t like it, please feel free to let me know what you didn’t like about it. I spend a ridiculous amount of time tuning and testing, not merely swapping parts.
I have no idea of what the sharecodes are, but my player name is the same as it is here. Feel free to “friend” me and let me know what you think. Nearly all of my tunes are made first for drivability and then speed, so they are fully capable of being tweaked further if you’re wanting something more aggressive. Even still, the 0-60mph & 0-100mph is typically among the fastest, (provided we’re comparing apples-to-apples and not my tune with one on drag tires).
Sorry if all of this sounds like shameless self promotion. I’d really be interested in knowing how my tunes suit others though. Some of my past tunes are purpose-built for certain task, so I’m not about to profess every single one will work in all situations.
If my tune sucks, please feel free to shame me publicly and let everyone know. Hopefully the ones I’ve mentioned suit your driving style if you try them. Thanks!
Appreciate your thoughtful answer.
One thing though is that I find ugrundy tunes pretty good in drivability (though not in all cases though I’ll admit).
Overall - a pretty good tuner.
~I’ll be sure to have a look at yours as well though.
What do you mean by that? Why would it be?
Should we not discuss other people’s work?
Let me state that above all I appreciate all the effort the tuners put into this. Them being players as well to me is obvious. Personally I am not here to bash or whatever on anyone, but a fair discussion on who’s tunes seem to work best for whom under which circumstances, including Ugrundy’s should be possible.
But then I might have misunderstood your remark.
Yeah - wasn’t quite sure what the “on edge of etiquette” meant either…
Seems to be a fairly decent discussion so far.
If anyone thinks I was out of line with my post, feel free to flag it and I won’t post anything similar. Not sure if I was the cause of the comment by @WhiteBurrito42. If I was, I apologize.
No - your post was absolutely fine. And some good info for me to check out.
~It was the the other one that confused me and the others.
Etiquette :-
“the customary code of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or group.”
Why was it on the edge of that ?
Always the safe and easy option for dailys and seasonals imho.They get the job done,and thats all i need from them
Just having a look at a couple of your tunes on the GT '05.
Which would you suggest as they seem up and down in different areas as well as my current Teniente tune. Which of the two ?
The first appears to be the better at first glance but you must have a clearer insight on both.
Tredawn, is that your gt for searching out tunes?
AAORTA, I’ll look up some of the ven0m106 cars I’ve used and post the make/model/yr.
Btw if you search for his tunes it’s ven(zero)m106.
Yeah - I got the 0.
Will check them out also.
Good to know.
need to check out these Ven0m106 tunes though.
~Not been on my radar so far…
Cheers @AnakalaRon
What I’ve learned about tuning cars in game is that it’s pretty much bassacwards from real life. If you can tune a car for real racing, you can’t tune it for game racing.
Seems as though it is all pretty much opposite of what would be done on a real race car.
It still seems so weird that on most cars if you add the race suspension, the handling numbers go red.
There’s no way race suspension, which is typically lighter, tighter, and generally better than stock even if it’s just in generic stock adjustment.
What would be nice from PGG would be if we could get access to adjustments on downloaded tunes. They gave us access to keep the parts, why can’t we just get the raw tune as well? Then we could make tweeks to the setup for our driving style or various track conditions.