I realize that the developers actually building the game didn’t necessarily choose to launch the game in this state nor were they responsible for the marketing, so rather than berating them for all the things that went wrong I figured I’d make a post appreciating some of the things they were able to pull off.
The trees. I imagine they were probably procedurally generated with some middleware tool rather than being lovingly and individually crafted, but I really appreciate that you worked them into the render budget. They look terrific.
Fog. I love how, rather than being a continuous volume it seems to vary in density and visibility as you drive through it.
Rain. Most particularly the sound design. Once the track is saturated with water, that sloshing sound really sells the feel.
Time of day. Dynamic sun position with proper moving shadows looks great and feels natural and there’s a certain synesthetic warmth when the sun suddenly peeks out from behind the clouds.
Sense of speed. The sense of speed felt really exaggerated in FM7 and maybe I’m imagining things but it feels toned down here.
Image stability. Minimal aliasing and LoDs are beautifully handled. I’ve been paying particular attention to trees and trackside details off in the distance and I see zero pop-in/LoD switching as they approach.
Driver customization. Sure it’s been in previous Forza titles with many more options (though I’ve never been a fan of the more eccentric options), the ability to choose your body type means a lot to many people.
Loading screens. The abstract track art is gorgeous!
Feel free to chime in with anything you appreciate. I know it’s not reasonable to expect people to pretend they’re perfectly happy with something that disappointed them, but if there wasn’t at least one thing to appreciate about the game you probably wouldn’t be playing it.