[ANSWERED] Loading Times

What in the name of all things holy is going on with the bloody loading times. When the game first came out it wasn’t this bad. I have waited to pick a car, JUST TO PICK A CAR, well over 2 minutes. That’s not even in a races. In races it can take longer. I have good Internet so this shouldn’t be a problem. Also, I have a Xbox S. Not the starter verso of the xbox1. Placing things on auction can take EVEN longer. Wth playground. Why does it seem these games take 1 step forward n 2 steps back?

For all issues & bugs, please submit a ticket

When people play around in the Xbox menu during the load times, it’ll be extended until they go back to the game screen. Its happened to me numerous times when someone is sending a message


If you’re waiting more than a few seconds for the car select screen, try hitting the xbox button. This “usually” makes it pop for me.
They should really have some mods who are able to address common issues like this instead of creating tickets.


This is what i do every where in this game when loading seems to be slow.

@Archie Tulip Garage was really low slow allready in day one when i have under 50 cars, now when have almost 700 cars it’s still slow most of the time.

No doubt the loading of 750 place holding car spaces rather than 550 has something to do with it?


The laptop hard drives in the Xbox make it a challenge to load all the thumbnails. A usb3 SSD makes a huge difference in and out of the garage etc. Changing car has no noticeable lag on Xbox s with SSD other than the short animation it insists on showing when you exit to drive.

PC version also seem fine and I’m using an old 500GB WD black 3.5" HDD as my game drive.

If the game is installed on the inner tracks of your HDD it can be significantly slower. Disks fill the faster, outside tracks first so if you installed on a 70% full drive it’s already significantly slower than its potential. Not to mention fragmentation from updates etc.

Do you have a lot of custom designed cars? Mine takes forever to load anything - garage or even design sometimes disconnects from the server. Switch off the internet and everything loads instantly. Game is just badly optimized when it comes to how it handles the save files and uploading to live.

I currently have about 650 cars, say 100 of these customised.

A while a go when I had 500ish cars I copied the game back to HDD for a test. This was onto a 30% full HDD.
The garage was very slow, blank cars, wrong images etc. No such issue with the SSD.

Given the power of the device, it should work but I guess the code is poorly optimised as it tries to cache data from all the cars, artworks etc.

While you shouldn’t have to buy an SSD to play the game, I’d recommend it. You don’t need a high end superfast drive, just a known brand and a USB 3.0 caddy. Even a 128GB drive should be fine.

For me the SSD disk (external with USB 3.0 enclosure) made a huge difference. Loading times at start of game or at events, garage with 400 cars almost all with custom liveries, everything is smooth now.

If i want to have a external SSD disk, do i need to reinstall the game on it. If i do that will all my progress be deleted?

No no, you won’t lose any saved data, it does not reinstall to the external hdd or ssd, you actually move/copy them to the external, which took around 2-3 minutes I believe, so not a problem.

Thank you so much for the info! :slight_smile: My xbox one s is struggling when im accesing my garage and im just getting started with designs.

I play on PC and have an SSD so loading times aren’t as bad, but my god, playing online can be horrendous, like 2 minute wait times between races while - I assume? - the whole lobby has to wait for the person with the slowest hardware to complete loading. I mean these load times take like 5 seconds at my end, but you have to wait for everyone else. Then, when it’s loaded, you have to wait some more while it sloooowly pans in on your car, then shows the scoreboard, I mean you spend more time waiting than you do playing.

I can understand the long load times for the first race, maybe while everyone has to download everyone else’s paint job. But in a ranked mode when nobody new can join after the initial setup, why aren’t subsequent loads quicker?

Some of it is due to the anemic hardware in the Xbox One, no doubt, but I think there must also be some sort of optimisation the developers could do to mitigate this.